linkedin video share,LinkedIn Video Share: Boost Your Professional Presence and Engagement

July 19, 2024

Nitin is the CEO of with 20+ years of experience in the field of marketing and advertising. Previously, he was a partner at McKinsey & Co and MD at Accenture, where he has led 20+ marketing transformations.

LinkedIn video sharing is a powerful tool to enhance your professional network and showcase your expertise. Here's what you need to know:

• Videos on LinkedIn get 300 million+ views annually • Types: Direct uploads, live streams, video ads, shared from other platforms • Best practices:

  • Keep videos short (30 sec - 3 min)
  • Use good lighting and clear audio
  • Add captions and on-screen text
  • Post regularly (aim for weekly)
  • Engage with viewers through comments
Video Type Best For Length
Intro Quick personal/brand intro 30 sec - 1 min
Tutorial Teaching skills 2-3 min
Product demo Showcasing offerings 1-2 min
Company update News and announcements 1-2 min

Key tips:

  • Set clear goals before creating videos
  • Know your target audience
  • Use hashtags to increase visibility
  • Post at optimal times (Tues-Thurs, 7-8 AM, 12-1 PM, after 5 PM)
  • Track performance metrics to improve future content

By following these guidelines, you can effectively use LinkedIn video to boost your professional presence and engagement.

2. Types of LinkedIn videos

2.1. Direct uploads to LinkedIn

You can upload videos straight to LinkedIn. This lets you share content with your network. Here's what you need to know:

  • Max video length: 10 minutes
  • Good for: Tutorials, product demos, company updates
  • Shows: Your personality, skills, company culture

2.2. LinkedIn Live streaming

LinkedIn Live lets you broadcast video in real-time. It's useful for:

  • Q&A sessions
  • Product launches
  • Company events

This feature helps you talk to your audience directly, which can boost your visibility.

2.3. Video ads on LinkedIn

Video ads help you reach more people on LinkedIn. They show up in users' feeds. You can:

  • Target specific groups
  • Promote products or services
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Drive traffic to your website

2.4. Using videos from other platforms

You can share videos from other sites on LinkedIn. This helps you:

  • Reuse content you already have
  • Reach new people

To share, just copy the video link and paste it into a LinkedIn post.

Platform How to Share
YouTube Copy video URL, paste in LinkedIn post
Vimeo Copy video URL, paste in LinkedIn post

This method lets you use your videos on multiple sites, helping more people see your content.

3. Planning your LinkedIn video approach

3.1. Setting clear goals

Before making LinkedIn videos, decide what you want to achieve. Your goals will shape your content and plan. Here are some common goals:

Goal Video Focus
Increase brand awareness Show company culture and values
Generate leads Highlight product or service benefits
Educate audience Create how-to guides or tutorials

3.2. Finding your target viewers

Know who you're making videos for. Use LinkedIn analytics to see who watches your content. This helps you make videos they'll like.

Audience Video Style
Millennials Short, fun, easy to share
Business professionals Informative, educational

3.3. Picking the right video type

Choose the best format for your message. Here are some options:

Video Type Best For
Tutorial Teaching how to use a product
Explainer Breaking down complex ideas
Behind-the-scenes Showing company culture

Pick the type that fits your goal and audience best.

4. Making good LinkedIn videos

4.1. Creating content people want to watch

To make videos that people want to watch on LinkedIn, focus on:

  • Sharing your know-how and experiences
  • Giving tips about your industry
  • Telling company news
  • Showing off your products or services
  • Sharing customer stories

Remember to think about what your viewers care about and what problems they have.

4.2. Choosing the best video length

Keep your videos short to keep people watching. Here's a guide for video length:

Video Type Length
Intro videos 30 sec - 1 min
Teaching videos 2-3 min
Product demos 1-2 min
Company updates 1-2 min

4.3. Improving video quality

To make your videos look good:

  • Use good light: Natural light is best, or use lamps indoors
  • Get clear sound: Don't use your laptop's built-in mic
  • Keep the camera still: Use a tripod
  • Edit your video: Cut out extra parts, add smooth changes between scenes

4.4. Adding captions and text

Captions and text help more people understand your video. Here's what to do:

Feature Why it's useful
Captions Help people who can't hear the audio
Subtitles Good for watching without sound
Text on screen Shows key info like numbers or quotes

Use tools like or GoTranscript to add captions easily.

5. How to share videos on LinkedIn

5.1. Uploading from a computer

To upload a video from your computer:

  1. Log in to LinkedIn
  2. Click "Start a post"
  3. Click the "Media" icon
  4. Choose "Upload from computer"
  5. Select your video file
  6. Edit details (thumbnail, captions)
  7. Click "Next"
  8. Set post visibility and comment options
  9. Add post text (optional)
  10. Click "Post"

5.2. Uploading from a phone or tablet

To upload a video from your phone or tablet:

  1. Open LinkedIn app
  2. Tap "Create a post"
  3. Choose "Take a video" or select from camera roll
  4. Add text to video (optional)
  5. Tap arrow to upload
  6. Write a caption
  7. Tap "Post"

5.3. Starting a LinkedIn Live broadcast

To start a LinkedIn Live broadcast:

  1. Log in to LinkedIn
  2. Click "Start a post"
  3. Click the "Live" icon
  4. Select "Start a live video"
  5. Add title and description (optional)
  6. Click "Go live"

5.4. Setting up video ads

To set up video ads on LinkedIn:

  1. Log in to LinkedIn
  2. Click "Work" icon
  3. Click "Advertise"
  4. Choose "Create an ad"
  5. Select "Video ad" format
  6. Upload or create video
  7. Set target audience, budget, and duration
  8. Click "Launch"

5.5. Adding videos from YouTube or Vimeo


To add videos from YouTube or Vimeo:

  1. Copy video link
  2. Log in to LinkedIn
  3. Click "Start a post"
  4. Paste video link
  5. Write a caption
  6. Click "Post"
Platform How to Share
YouTube Copy video URL, paste in LinkedIn post
Vimeo Copy video URL, paste in LinkedIn post

6. Making your LinkedIn videos more visible

6.2. Using hashtags effectively

Hashtags help more people see your LinkedIn videos. They make it easier for others to find your content. Here's how to use hashtags well:

1. Find good hashtags:

  • Look at what's popular in your field
  • Check what your competitors use
  • Use LinkedIn's suggestions when you type #

2. Add hashtags to your:

  • Video title
  • Description
  • Comments

This helps people find your video when they search for those topics.

6.4. When to post your videos

Posting at the right time can get more people to watch and share your videos. LinkedIn shows new posts more in the first hour. So, it's important to post when people are likely to see it.

Good times to post:

Day Time
Tuesday 7-8 AM, 12-1 PM, After 5 PM
Wednesday 7-8 AM, 12-1 PM, After 5 PM
Thursday 7-8 AM, 12-1 PM, After 5 PM


  • Post outside work hours
  • Use a tool to schedule posts for different time zones

7. Checking your video performance

7.1. Understanding LinkedIn's video stats

LinkedIn shows you how well your videos are doing. You can find this info in the "Video" tab of your LinkedIn Page analytics. Here, you'll see:

  • How many people watched your video
  • How many people liked, commented, or shared it
  • How many clicks your video got

Knowing these numbers helps you make better videos that people want to watch.

7.2. Important numbers to watch

When looking at how your video did, pay attention to these key numbers:

Metric What it means
View count How many times people watched your video
Engagement rate The percent of viewers who liked, commented, or shared
Watch time How long people spent watching your video
Click-through rate (CTR) The percent of people who clicked on your video after seeing it

7.3. Using data to make better videos

By looking at these numbers, you can see what's working and what's not. For example:

  • If lots of people watch but don't engage, you might need to change your video's content or title.
  • If people stop watching quickly, you might need to make your video shorter or more interesting.

Using this info helps you make videos that more people will like and watch.

8. Tips for LinkedIn video success

8.1. Posting videos often

Post videos regularly on LinkedIn to keep people interested. Try to share one video each week. Make sure each video is good and helps your viewers.

8.2. Getting people to join in

Ask viewers to take part in your videos. You can:

  • Ask questions
  • Ask for their thoughts
  • Get them to share their stories

Use LinkedIn's tools like polls and quizzes to get more people involved. Answer comments and messages quickly to build a group around your videos.

8.3. Sharing your videos on other sites

Don't just keep your videos on LinkedIn. Share them on other sites too:

Site Why share there
Twitter Quick, easy to share
Facebook Lots of users
Instagram Good for short clips

You can also put your videos on your website or blog to get more views.

8.4. Using videos in your LinkedIn profile

Add videos to your LinkedIn profile to show who you are and what you can do. You can put videos in:

  • Your summary
  • Your work history
  • As a background video

This helps you stand out and makes your profile more interesting.

9. Fixing common LinkedIn video problems

9.1. Solving upload issues

If you're having trouble uploading videos to LinkedIn, try these steps:

  1. Check your video format. LinkedIn accepts these types:
Supported Formats
  1. Make sure your file is under 5GB.
  2. Clear your browser's cache and cookies.
  3. Sign out of LinkedIn and log back in.
  4. Turn off browser add-ons.

9.2. Fixing playback problems

If your video won't play on LinkedIn:

  1. Check that your video meets LinkedIn's specs:
Spec Requirement
Resolution 1080p max
Aspect ratio 1:2.4 to 2.4:1
Frame rate 60 fps max
  1. Test your internet speed.
  2. Clear your browser's cache and cookies.

9.3. Improving low engagement

To get more people to watch and react to your videos:

  1. Make sure your video is good quality and worth watching.
  2. Add captions and text on the video.
  3. Ask viewers questions in your post.
  4. Respond to comments quickly.
Tip How it helps
Use captions People can watch without sound
Ask questions Gets viewers talking
Reply to comments Builds a community

10. Conclusion

10.1. Key points to remember

LinkedIn video sharing helps you grow your work network and show off your skills. Here's what to keep in mind:

  • Make videos that your audience wants to watch
  • Post often, but make sure each video is good
  • Check how your videos are doing and use that info to make better ones
  • Use hashtags to help more people find your videos
  • Share your videos at the right time to get more views

10.2. What to do next with your LinkedIn videos

Now that you know about LinkedIn video sharing, here's what to do:

1. Plan your videos

Think about:

  • What you want to achieve
  • Who you want to watch your videos
  • What kind of videos to make

2. Make good videos

  • Create videos people want to watch
  • Try different types of videos (uploads, live streams, ads)

3. Share and talk with others

  • Post your videos
  • Ask viewers questions
  • Answer comments
Step What to do
1. Plan Choose goals, audience, and video type
2. Create Make engaging, useful videos
3. Share Post videos and talk with viewers


What makes a good LinkedIn video?

A good LinkedIn video grabs attention, gives useful info, and gets people to interact. Here's how to make one:

Tip Why it's important
Good lighting and sound Makes your video look and sound clear
Strong intro Catches people's interest right away
Key info at the start Keeps viewers watching
Captions and visuals Helps people understand without sound
Different camera angles Keeps the video interesting to watch
Right length Keeps people watching to the end
Clear call to action Tells viewers what to do next

How to make your videos work better on LinkedIn?

To get more people to see and like your LinkedIn videos:

What to do How it helps
Use a clear, short title Tells people what the video is about
Write a good description Helps people find your video
Add hashtags Makes your video easier to find
Tag people and companies Gets more people to see your video
Post at the right time Reaches more people
Check your video stats Helps you make better videos next time

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