Top how to grow youtube channel fast Tools and Tips You Can't Miss

July 20, 2024

Nitin is the CEO of with 20+ years of experience in the field of marketing and advertising. Previously, he was a partner at McKinsey & Co and MD at Accenture, where he has led 20+ marketing transformations.

Want to grow your YouTube channel quickly? Here's a concise guide to the most effective tools and strategies:

Category Key Tools/Tips
Scheduling SocialPilot, eClincher, Planable
Design Adobe Express, Canva, Snappa
Video Editing, Hippo Video, Corel Video Studio
SEO TubeBuddy, VidIQ, Brand24

Essential growth tips:

  • Ask viewers to subscribe
  • Use keywords in titles, descriptions, and tags
  • Create eye-catching thumbnails
  • Write informative video descriptions
  • Share your channel on other social platforms
  • Collaborate with other creators
  • Engage with your audience through comments

To boost your channel's visibility:

  1. Optimize your channel profile
  2. Master YouTube SEO
  3. Create high-quality, engaging content
  4. Utilize YouTube features (Community tab, Shorts, End screens)
  5. Build a community around your channel
  6. Cross-promote with other creators

Remember, consistent effort and patience are key to YouTube success. Start implementing these strategies today to accelerate your channel's growth!

Key Tools for YouTube Growth

To grow your YouTube channel quickly, you need good tools to improve your videos and understand how they're doing. Here are some helpful tools:

Scheduling Tools

These tools help you post videos at the right time without having to do it manually:

Tool What it does
SocialPilot Lets you plan when to post your videos
eClincher Helps you set up a posting schedule
Planable Makes it easy to organize your video uploads

Graphic Design Tools

These tools help you make your channel look good:

Tool What it does
Adobe Express Offers templates for thumbnails and banners
Canva Provides easy-to-use design features
Snappa Helps you create eye-catching images quickly

Video Editing Tools

These tools help you make better videos:

Tool What it does Offers video templates and editing features
Hippo Video Helps you create and edit videos easily
Corel Video Studio Provides advanced editing options

SEO Tools

These tools help more people find your videos:

Tool What it does
TubeBuddy Helps you choose good keywords for your videos
VidIQ Shows you how well your videos are doing
Brand24 Lets you know when people talk about your channel

Using these tools can help you make better videos, post them at the right time, and get more people to watch them.

Effective Tips for Quick Channel Growth

Here are some simple tips to help your YouTube channel grow faster:

Ask for Subscribers

At the end of your videos, ask viewers to subscribe and turn on notifications. Many creators forget this easy step.

Make Your Videos Easy to Find

Use keywords in your titles, descriptions, and tags. Tools like TubeBuddy and VidIQ can help you pick good keywords.

Create Eye-Catching Thumbnails

Your thumbnail is the first thing people see. Use bright colors, clear text, and interesting images to make people want to click.

Write Good Descriptions

Tell viewers what your video is about in the description. Use keywords and explain why they should watch.

Share Your Channel

Post about your videos on other social media like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Ask your followers to subscribe.

Work with Other Creators

Make videos with other YouTubers in your field. This can help you reach more viewers.

Talk to Your Viewers

Action Why It Helps
Reply to comments Shows you care about viewers
Ask for feedback Helps improve your content
Build a community Makes viewers want to come back

Doing these things can make people want to subscribe and share your videos.

Improve Your Channel Profile

Your YouTube channel profile is the first thing viewers see. A good profile can help people understand your channel and find your videos more easily.

Write a Good Channel Description

Your channel description should tell people what your channel is about. Here's how to make it better:

Tip Why It Helps
Keep it short People can read it quickly
Use keywords Helps people find your channel
Be yourself Shows your personality
Use action words Makes your description more interesting
Check for mistakes Makes sure everything is correct

Make Your Channel Look Good

Your channel art and profile picture show what your channel is about. Here's how to make them better:

Tip Why It Helps
Use bright colors Makes your channel stand out
Keep it simple Makes it easy to understand
Use a clear face picture Helps people recognize you
Check on different devices Makes sure it looks good everywhere

Understand YouTube SEO

YouTube SEO helps your videos show up in search results. This makes more people watch your videos and grow your channel.

Find Good Keywords

Keywords are words people use to search for videos like yours. Use these tools to find good keywords:

Tool What it does
Google Trends Shows popular YouTube searches
YouTube Autocomplete Gives keyword ideas as you type
Keyword Tool Finds keywords many people search for

Use Keywords in Your Video Info

Put your keywords in your video title, description, and tags. This helps YouTube know what your video is about.

Where to use keywords How to do it
Title Put your main keyword in the title
Description Write about your video and use your keyword
Tags Add tags that match your video topic

Make Good, Interesting Content

Making videos people want to watch is key to growing your YouTube channel fast. Here's how to do it:

Focus on Quality Over Quantity

It's better to make one good video a week than many bad ones. Take time to plan, research, and edit your videos well.

Keep Your Videos Short and Interesting

People don't watch for long. Make your videos short and fun to watch. Use good thumbnails and titles to make people click.

Be Yourself

People like real videos. Don't copy others. Make videos that show who you are and what you know.

Tell Stories

Stories make videos more fun. Use examples and stories to explain things and keep people watching.

Make Your Videos Easy to Find

Use good words in your titles, descriptions, and tags. This helps more people find your videos when they search.

Tip Why It's Good
Make quality videos People will want to watch more
Keep videos short Viewers stay interested
Be yourself People like real content
Tell stories Makes videos more fun
Use good words Helps people find your videos

Use YouTube Features Well

Using YouTube's tools can help your channel grow faster. Here's how to use them:

Tell People About Your New Videos and Live Streams

Use the Community tab to get people excited about your upcoming videos and live streams. Share sneak peeks or behind-the-scenes content. This can help more people watch your videos.

Make Posts That Get People Talking

Create posts that make people want to respond, like polls or questions. This helps you learn about your viewers and gets more people to interact with your channel.

Try YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts are short videos that can help more people see your channel. You can make new Shorts or use parts of your longer videos. Keep them short, fun, and full of good information.

Use End Screens, Cards, and Playlists

These tools can help people watch more of your videos:

Tool What it does How to use it
End screens Show at the end of videos Link to other videos or ask people to subscribe
Cards Pop up during videos Point to related videos or your website
Playlists Group similar videos Help people find more of your content

Use these tools to show people your other videos and get them to watch more.

Connect with Your Viewers

Talking to your viewers helps build a strong group of fans. Here's how to do it:

Answer Comments

Replying to comments shows you care about what viewers think. This makes them want to talk more and support your channel. Answer both good and bad comments to show you're listening.

Build a Community

Making a community means creating a place where viewers can talk to each other and to you. Here's how:

Method How it helps
Make videos that start talks Gets people talking in comments
Do live videos Lets you talk to viewers in real-time
Use the Community tab Share updates and behind-the-scenes stuff

These things help make a group of fans who will watch and share your videos.

Do Live Videos

Live videos are a great way to talk to viewers right away. You can:

  • Give special content
  • Answer questions
  • Talk with viewers directly

This helps build a group of fans and gets more people to watch. You can also use live videos to tell people about new videos coming up.

Work with Others and Share

Working with other creators can help your YouTube channel grow faster. By teaming up, you can reach more viewers and make new content that people like.

Cross-Promotion Strategies

Cross-promotion is a good way to work together. This means sharing each other's content on social media like YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. It helps you get more people to watch your videos.

Here's what you can do:

Strategy How to do it
Share videos Post each other's videos on your social media
Make videos together Create a video and share it on both channels
Do live streams Host a live video together and tell people about it
Show behind-the-scenes Share sneak peeks of upcoming videos

Community Engagement

Working with others can also help you build a stronger group of fans. You can make content that gets people talking and feeling like they're part of something.

Try these ideas:

Idea What it does
Q&A session Answer questions from both your viewers
Joint challenge Make a contest for viewers to join in
Video series Make videos about one topic together


You've made it to the end of our guide on growing your YouTube channel fast! Let's go over what we've learned:

Key Points

Area Tips
Content Make good videos people want to watch
SEO Use the right words to help people find your videos
Promotion Share your videos on other social media
Engagement Talk to your viewers and answer comments
YouTube Features Use things like end screens and cards

Remember, growing a YouTube channel takes time. Don't give up if things start slow. Keep making videos, sharing them, and talking to your viewers.

Next Steps

Here's what to do now:

  1. Pick one or two tips from this guide
  2. Try them out on your channel
  3. See what works best for you
  4. Keep doing what helps your channel grow

Growing on YouTube isn't always easy, but if you keep at it, you can build a channel people love to watch.

Good luck with your YouTube channel!


How do you grow up fast on YouTube?

To grow quickly on YouTube, try these tips:

Tip How it helps
Make good content People will want to watch more
Use SEO tools Helps people find your videos
Create eye-catching thumbnails Makes people click on your videos
Post regularly Keeps viewers coming back
Work with other creators Reaches more people

How do you get 1000 subscribers on YouTube fast?

To get 1000 subscribers quickly:

Strategy Why it works
Make timeless videos Attracts new viewers over time
Create helpful content Solves problems for viewers
Improve your channel page Makes people want to subscribe
Update old videos Brings new life to existing content
Offer special content Gives people a reason to subscribe

How can I increase views on YouTube?

To get more views on your videos:

Tip What it does
Use good keywords Helps people find your videos
Add a subscribe link Makes it easy for people to follow you
Write good descriptions Tells people what your video is about
Use affiliate links Can help you make money
Make good thumbnails Gets people to click on your video
Use hashtags Helps more people see your video

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