Zapier Pinterest Non-Technical Guide

Discover how to effortlessly manage your Pinterest presence with Zapier integration. Learn how to automate Pinterest tasks, increase reach, drive traffic, and improve analytics.
Written by
Nitin Mahajan
Published on
17 January 2022

Setting up automation for Pinterest marketing can seem daunting for non-technical users.

However, with this straightforward guide, you'll discover how easy it is to leverage Zapier's integration to effortlessly manage your Pinterest presence.

You'll learn the basics of connecting Zapier and Pinterest, walk through initial setup, explore pre-built templates to streamline workflows, and optimize your automation tools to enhance engagement and growth.

Introduction to Zapier and Pinterest Integration

Integrating Zapier and Pinterest can streamline your social media marketing efforts. This guide provides an overview of these tools and the benefits of connecting them.

Exploring the Basics of Zapier and Pinterest

Zapier is an automation platform that connects web apps and services. It allows you to set up automated workflows called Zaps between apps.

Pinterest is a visual social media platform where users collect and share images on virtual pinboards. Businesses use Pinterest for marketing by creating eye-catching pins that drive traffic.

By connecting Zapier and Pinterest, non-technical users can build automated workflows to manage Pinterest marketing tasks like:

  • Posting new pins from blog posts
  • Repinning popular pins to multiple boards
  • Liking and commenting on pins in your niche
  • Finding and saving new content to boards

This removes manual work so you can scale your efforts.

The Advantages of Automating Pinterest Tasks

Automating Pinterest with Zapier provides several key benefits:

  • Saves time: Zaps instantly handle repetitive tasks like repinning and commenting so you can focus on strategy.
  • Increases reach: Cross-posting pins across all your boards and automating likes/comments expands engagement.
  • Drives more traffic: Scheduling a high volume of pins means more people discover your content.
  • Improves consistency: Zaps maintain posting schedules and ensure you pin content from RSS feeds.
  • Enhances analytics: Reviewing Pinterest analytics dashboards helps you identify and replicate your top-performing content.

This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough of connecting Zapier and Pinterest for those without a technical background. It covers:

  • Setting up a Zapier account and connecting to Pinterest
  • Building your first automated Zapier Pinterest workflow
  • Tips for setting up effective Zaps based on common marketing goals
  • An overview of key Pinterest and Zapier app features to leverage
  • Best practices for getting the most value from Zapier Pinterest automation

Follow along to start integrating these platforms and getting more out of your Pinterest marketing!

What apps can connect to Pinterest?

Pinterest offers integrations with various apps to help streamline your workflow. Here are some of the most popular apps that can connect to Pinterest:

Google Apps

  • Google Sheets - Automatically add pins to Pinterest from a Google Sheet. Great for planning and scheduling pins.
  • Google Drive - Save pins or boards to Google Drive for easy access and collaboration.

Social Media Apps

  • Instagram - Automatically cross-post Instagram posts to Pinterest boards. Expand reach.
  • Facebook Pages - Share Facebook page posts to relevant Pinterest boards.

Ecommerce Apps

  • Shopify - Sync product catalogs to auto-pin new products. Track traffic and sales from Pinterest back to your Shopify store.

Project Management Apps

  • Trello - Add pins to project boards to collect creative ideas and inspiration visually.

Media Apps

  • YouTube - Pin your YouTube videos to Pinterest to increase views.
  • Dropbox - Access images stored on Dropbox to pin them or save pins back to Dropbox.

With integrations like these, you can connect multiple platforms to Pinterest to maximize efficiency and streamline your creative workflows. The key is choosing apps that align with your business goals. Focus on integrations that will save you time or provide helpful analytics.

Can you automate Pinterest?

Yes, you can automate various Pinterest tasks to streamline your social media marketing using Zapier. Here's a quick overview of how to get started with Pinterest automation using Zapier:

Connect your Pinterest account

The first step is to connect your Pinterest business account to Zapier.

  • Log into your Zapier account and search for the Pinterest integration.
  • Click connect and log into your Pinterest business account when prompted.

Once connected, Zapier will be able to access your Pinterest data to power the automations.

Set up RSS feed automation

One of the most useful Pinterest automations is to automatically create Pins from blog/site content via RSS feeds.

To set this up:

  • Create a new Zap in Zapier choosing Pinterest as the app you want to connect.
  • Select "New RSS item" as the trigger event.
  • Configure it to check your site's RSS feed URL.
  • Then add an action to create a Pin on a selected board, using the RSS feed content.

With this zap, any new blog posts or content you publish will automatically be added to your connected Pinterest board within 24 hours!

Explore other automations

There are other handy automations you can set up as well, like:

  • Posting new Pins when you publish YouTube videos.
  • Auto-posting pins when you tweet links.
  • Curating content from other sites to your boards.

Take some time to explore all the options for automating your Pinterest marketing efforts with Zapier. It can save you tons of time pinning content manually.

What apps does Zapier support?

Zapier supports over 3,000 apps that integrate with its platform. Some of the most popular apps that work with Zapier include:

Google Suite

  • Google Drive for cloud storage and document collaboration
  • Gmail for managing email
  • Google Sheets for spreadsheets
  • Google Calendar for scheduling

Social Media

  • Facebook for advertising and page management
  • Instagram for visual content and stories
  • Twitter for tweets and analytics
  • LinkedIn for professional profiles and content

Sales & Marketing

  • Mailchimp for email marketing campaigns
  • HubSpot CRM for managing contacts and deals
  • Constant Contact for email newsletters
  • SurveyMonkey for surveys and feedback

Project Management

  • Asana for task and project management
  • Trello for kanban boards
  • Jira for software development
  • Basecamp for team communication

The Zapier app directory contains the full list of supported apps. Users can connect the web apps they already use to automate workflows and eliminate tedious manual work across business systems with Zapier.

What big companies use Zapier?

Zapier has become an essential integration and automation tool for businesses of all sizes. Here are a few notable large companies using Zapier:

  • Netflix - The popular streaming platform leverages Zapier for marketing automation and connecting various software systems. This likely helps manage campaigns, synchronize data, and automate repetitive tasks.

  • PayPal - The payments leader integrates Zapier into its operations. This may assist with payment processing automation, data transfers, order management, and more.

  • Trimble - This US-based hardware and software manufacturer uses Zapier. Integrations probably help Trimble connect project management, inventory, accounting, CRM, and other business systems.

While small teams can benefit from Zapier, its flexibility also appeals to enterprises. Large companies use Zapier to unite disjointed systems, reduce manual work, and operate more efficiently. With thousands of app integrations available, Zapier fits diverse needs across industries.

For any business, implementing Zapier can remove bottlenecks, improve workflows, save money, and enable staff to focus on high-value responsibilities. The platform continues gaining traction globally thanks to its simplicity, affordability, and reliability.


Getting Started with Zapier Pinterest Login and Setup

Zapier Pinterest Login: Your Gateway to Integration

Logging in to your existing Zapier account or signing up for a new account is the first step to integrate Pinterest. Here are step-by-step instructions:

  1. Go to and click Sign Up or Log In in the top right corner
  2. If logging in, enter your email and password. If signing up, provide your email and choose a password
  3. Once logged in, click Make a Zap at the top
  4. Search for Pinterest and select the Pinterest app
  5. Click Connect an Account and log in with your Pinterest credentials

You will then be redirected back to Zapier, with your Pinterest account now connected. The integration is complete and you can start creating Pinterest automations!

Zapier Pinterest App: The Linking Process

To recap, here are the key steps to link Pinterest with Zapier:

  • Sign up for a Zapier account or log in to your existing one
  • Click Make a Zap and select the Pinterest app
  • Provide your Pinterest login details when prompted
  • Allow access so Zapier can connect to your Pinterest account's data

Once connected, Zapier will have read/write access to automate various Pinterest capabilities like publishing pins, liking posts, following users and more.

Zapier Pinterest Free: Exploring No-Cost Options

Zapier offers a free plan for simple automations with limitations on the number of tasks. Here are some ways Pinterest users can benefit from Zapier at no cost:

  • Automate publishing new pins from an RSS feed or Buffer
  • Auto-follow people who join a Facebook group
  • Get notified via email when your pins get repinned
  • Schedule pins to Pinterest using Calendly or Google Calendar

With some creativity, you can build helpful Pinterest zaps without needing a paid Zapier subscription!

Verifying Your Zapier Pinterest Connection

To confirm your Pinterest connection:

  • In Zapier, click on the account icon (your initials) > Connected Accounts
  • Locate Pinterest and make sure it says "Connected" in green
  • Try making a simple test zap like "New RSS Item to Create Pin"
  • Check that new pins with the RSS feed titles are posted to your connected Pinterest account

If pins are not posting automatically, try reconnecting the accounts. Also ensure your Pinterest account is set to Business rather than Personal to allow API access.

Crafting Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy with Zapier Workflows

Zapier provides a simple way to automate various aspects of your Pinterest marketing strategy. Here are some effective ways to leverage Zapier for Pinterest:

Automate Pinterest Posts: Scheduling and Publishing

  • Create a Zap that automatically posts new blog content or product listings from your website to relevant Pinterest boards. This saves time and effort while keeping your Pinterest updated.

  • Schedule pins to be published at optimal times. Stagger your posts for consistent visibility rather than batch posting.

  • Customize pins with relevant descriptions and alt text to improve clickthrough rates.

Zapier Social Media Synergy: Cross-Promoting Content

  • Set up a Zap to automatically share new Pinterest pins on Twitter, Facebook, etc. Expand reach across networks.

  • Repurpose popular content that performs well. If a pin gets traction, share it more widely.

  • Tag relevant accounts in your posts and comments. This exposes your content to their engaged followers.

Enhancing Your Pinterest Strategy with Automation

  • Automate RSS feeds to routinely curate and share content from influencers/industry experts. This builds authority.

  • Use a Zap to engage followers, like repinning other users' content. Personal connections drive growth.

  • Track analytics to identify well-performing content. Double down on what succeeds.

Leveraging Zapier WordPress to Pinterest for Content Creators

  • Bloggers can automate publishing blog posts to Pinterest when published in WordPress.

  • Create designated Pinterest boards for different categories of content (e.g. recipes, DIY projects)

  • Share new posts to group boards suited to the content for expanded reach.

In summary, Zapier is a powerful tool for streamlining Pinterest marketing efforts, allowing you to scale content sharing and community interaction. Automate where possible to dedicate time to high-value strategy.

Expanding Pinterest Automation with Zapier App Integrations

Zapier provides pre-built templates and integrations to help automate various Pinterest tasks and connect Pinterest to other apps. This allows you to streamline your social media and content marketing workflows.

Zapier Pinterest Templates: Pre-Built Solutions

Zapier has templates for common Pinterest automation tasks like:

  • Pinning new blog posts to Pinterest boards
  • Repinning popular pins
  • Commenting on group boards
  • Getting analytics on your Pinterest account

Using these templates eliminates the need to build Pinterest Zaps from scratch. You simply connect your Pinterest account, make any customizations, and your automation is ready.

Social Media Automation: Streamlining Your Online Presence

You can connect Pinterest to other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more using Zapier. This allows you to easily replicate content across channels.

For example, create a Zap to:

  • Auto-post new Instagram photos to a Pinterest board
  • Cross-post Pinterest pins to Twitter
  • Auto-pin new blog posts to Facebook

Streamlining content distribution frees up time to create more engaging social content.

Pinterest Content Automation: Keeping Boards Fresh

To keep your Pinterest boards full of fresh, relevant content, you can create Zaps to:

  • Repin content from group boards or competitors
  • Auto-pin product images from ecommerce platforms
  • Curate and pin content based on keyword searches
  • Pin user-generated content from Instagram hashtags

This saves time pinning content manually while populating your boards with a consistent stream of on-brand content.

Pinterest Task Automation: Simplifying Repetitive Actions

Automating repetitive Pinterest tasks with Zapier can simplify your workflow. Set up Zaps to handle:

  • Auto-liking or commenting on pins from your niche
  • Analyzing Pinterest analytics and saving reports
  • Adding new users to group boards
  • Tagging pins based on keywords or images

Handling these repetitive tasks through automation enables you to focus on higher-level Pinterest marketing strategies.

Optimizing Your Pinterest Automation Tools for Business

Pinterest can be a powerful platform for businesses to reach new audiences and drive sales. However, managing a Pinterest business profile manually can be extremely time-consuming. This is where automation tools like Zapier come in handy.

Maximizing Pinterest for Business with Zapier

Zapier makes it easy to set up automated workflows between Pinterest and other apps without coding. Here are some ways to leverage Zapier to grow your business on Pinterest:

  • Automatically post new product listings from your e-commerce store to relevant Pinterest boards. This exposes your products to more potential customers.

  • Repin content from influencers in your niche to your boards. This can help expand your reach.

  • Automate sending newly pinned content to email subscribers. Keep your audience engaged with your latest pins.

  • Track conversions from Pinterest back to your website using Zapier's built-in analytics. Identify your best performing pins.

Tracking Pinterest Marketing Service Performance

To determine the ROI of your Pinterest marketing efforts, use Zapier to:

  • Connect Pinterest analytics to a spreadsheet or business intelligence tool like Google Data Studio. Gain insights through custom reports.

  • Track website conversions driven specifically by your Pinterest traffic using tools like Google Analytics.

  • Automate reports on key Pinterest marketing metrics like impressions, engagements, link clicks. Review regularly to optimize your strategy.

Evaluating Pinterest Automation Tools Free vs. Paid

While free tools have their limitations, Zapier offers a robust free plan for basic Pinterest automation. Paid plans unlock more advanced capabilities:

Free Plan

  • Limited to 5 zaps or workflows
  • Can automate basic posting and analytics

Paid Plans

  • Unlimited zaps
  • Support for multi-step workflows
  • Wider range of app integrations
  • Priority customer support

Paid Zapier plans are affordable compared to hiring a full-time social media manager. For power Pinterest users, the productivity benefits easily justify the costs.

Zapier Pinterest Management: Streamlining Operations

Here are some ways to manage Pinterest more efficiently with Zapier:

  • Schedule pins in advance with a calendar tool like CoSchedule using Zapier. Queue content when you have free time.

  • Automate posting pins with relevant hashtags and descriptions based on your brand style guide. Maintains on-brand consistency.

  • Set up a workflow to automatically pull visual assets from a media library to pin. Saves time pinning new content.

  • Get notifications when your pins get over a certain number of repins or clicks. Helps identify your top performing content.

With some thoughtful planning, Zapier can greatly simplify managing almost every aspect of your Pinterest presence. The time and money saved leaves more resources for developing winning Pinterest content and strategy.

Conclusion: Embracing Zapier Pinterest Automation for Growth

Recap of Zapier Pinterest Integration Setup

Integrating Pinterest and Zapier is a straightforward process that allows you to automate various Pinterest tasks. Here is a quick recap of the key steps:

  • Sign up for a Zapier account and connect it to your Pinterest business account
  • Browse the various Pinterest app templates and workflows on Zapier
  • Select a ready-made Zap template that matches your needs
  • Customize the trigger and actions as per your preferences
  • Turn on the Zap and monitor it

With just a few clicks, you can set up automation for cross-posting content, managing boards and pins, collecting analytics, and more.

Key Advantages of Pinterest Automation

Automating Pinterest marketing activities with Zapier provides several benefits:

  • Saves time by handling repetitive tasks automatically
  • Increases efficiency through seamless connectivity between apps
  • Expands reach by enabling cross-posting to multiple platforms
  • Improves analytics with automated data collection
  • Optimizes budgets by reducing time and resource costs

For small teams and bootstrapped startups, Zapier is an invaluable ally in growing their presence on Pinterest efficiently.

Next Steps in Your Pinterest Marketing Journey

Once you have set up basic automations with Zapier, consider exploring more advanced features:

  • Create multi-step zaps to further optimize workflows
  • Integrate analytics apps to unlock richer Pinterest data insights
  • Cross-post unique content tailored for the Pinterest audience
  • Develop engaging pin designs optimized for the platform
  • Leverage interest and audience targeting capabilities

Continued experimentation and innovation will help you stay ahead of the curve and achieve Pinterest marketing success.

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