Adext AI Simplifies Ad Creation

Discover how Adext AI simplifies ad creation with features like easy audience exploration, ad iteration, and budget optimization. Learn how to link advertising accounts, select ad groups, and optimize for dynamic audiences.
Written By
Nitin Mahajan
Published on
October 5, 2024

Adext AI revolutionizes ad creation by leveraging artificial intelligence to streamline the process, making it more efficient and effective for businesses of all sizes. Here's what you need to know:

  • Easy Audience Exploration: Automatically finds the best audience for your ads.
  • Ad Iteration: Tests variations to determine the most effective ads.
  • Budget Optimization: Allocates your budget to the best-performing ads to maximize ROI.

Getting started is straightforward: sign up, link your ad accounts, and let Adext AI optimize your campaigns with features like Explore AI and Amplify AI. These tools use machine learning to constantly improve ad targeting and performance, saving you time and money. Whether you're targeting dynamic audiences or scaling campaigns, Adext AI offers a smart, user-friendly solution. Ideal for Google Ads and Meta Ads, it's designed for anyone looking to boost their advertising efforts with less manual effort.

Quick Guide:

  • Sign Up: Easy process on the Adext AI website.
  • Link Accounts: Connect Google Ads or Meta Ads for optimization.
  • Select Ads: Choose which ads or ad groups you want to improve.
  • Set Objectives: Define your campaign goals, budget, and duration.

Adext AI is about making your ads smarter and your life easier, focusing on automation and machine learning to enhance ad performance.

Linking Advertising Accounts

Before Adext AI can help make your ads better, you need to connect it to your ad accounts. This step lets Adext AI look at your ad data and figure out how to improve things.

Here's a simple way to link your accounts:

  • Go to "Connect Accounts" in your Adext dashboard
  • Pick Google Ads or Meta Ads
  • Log into your account following the steps shown
  • Choose which ad accounts and campaigns Adext should work with
  • Finish the setup

After linking, Adext AI will start analyzing your ad performance. You're now ready to pick specific ads for Adext to optimize.

Selecting Ad Groups and Defining Parameters

With your ad accounts linked, choose the ads you want Adext AI to focus on. You'll also need to set some key details:

  • Budget - Decide how much money Adext AI can use for your ads
  • Optimization timeframe - Pick how long you want Adext to optimize your ads (like the next 30 days)
  • Objective - Choose what you're aiming for with your ads (more clicks, people buying things, etc.)

Here's how to set it up:

  • Click "Create Campaign" in your dashboard
  • Pick the ad account and select specific ad groups/sets
  • Type in your budget and how long you want the optimization to run
  • Select what you want to achieve with your ads
  • Check everything and submit your campaign

After you've set everything up, Adext's AI will start working on making those ads better, aiming to hit your goals within your budget and timeframe. And you can keep an eye on how things are going right from your dashboard.

Making Ad Creation Easier with Adext AI's Tools

Adext AI uses smart tools to help you make and improve ads without a lot of work. It uses two main features, Explore AI and Amplify AI, to make things easier and get better results.

Using Explore AI to Find Your Audience

Explore AI helps you figure out who is most interested in what you're selling. Here's a simple breakdown:

  • It makes copies of your ads and shows them to different groups of people.
  • Then, it tests these groups to see which ones like your ads the most, based on what they do, like, and are interested in.
  • You get to see which group is the best match for your ads right in your Adext dashboard.

For instance, if you're selling jewelry, Explore AI might find out that women between 35-44 who love fashion are the ones buying the most. Doing this by hand would take forever, but Explore AI makes it quick and easy.

Why Explore AI is great:

  • Quick learning: You start finding out who likes your ads right away.
  • Simple to use: Just connect your ad account and pick what you want to achieve.
  • For everyone: You don't need to be a tech expert to use it.

Amplify AI Helps Your Best Ads Reach More People

After Explore AI finds the best audience for your ads, Amplify AI helps you focus on them. Here's how:

  • It takes the audience that liked your ads the most.
  • Then, it makes new ads just for them.
  • It uses smart learning to put more money into ads that are doing well and less into those that aren't.
  • It keeps checking how your ads are doing and adjusts things to help you do even better.

For example, if Explore AI found out that men aged 20-30 really liked a certain ad, Amplify AI would make a new campaign just for them. It keeps an eye on how well the ads are doing and moves your money to where it works best.

Why Amplify AI is a big help:

  • It does the work for you: It keeps testing and managing your money for you.
  • Saves money: Stops you from spending too much on ads that aren't working.
  • Saves time: Lets you focus on the big picture instead of micromanaging ads.

In short, Adext's tools, Explore AI and Amplify AI, use smart tech to make finding your audience and managing your ads a lot easier. This means you can get better ad results without having to do all the hard work yourself.

Optimizing for Dynamic Audiences

Dynamic audiences are people whose interests and actions change often. Because they're always evolving, the ads they might like can change too.

1. Identify Dynamic Audiences

Adext AI looks at user data to find groups that show signs of changing interests or behaviors. This could be anything from suddenly getting into eco-friendly products to showing interest in new tech gadgets.

2. Test Ad Variations

After spotting these dynamic groups, Adext AI makes different versions of ads that match their current likes and needs. It tests these ads to see which ones hit the mark, using things like design, special offers, and timing to find the best mix.

3. Continual Optimization

As people's tastes keep changing, Adext AI keeps an eye on how well the ads are doing. It finds new groups that might be interested and tweaks the ads to keep them fresh and appealing.


Focusing on dynamic audiences helps because:

  • Ads stay relevant, which can lead to more people clicking or buying, improving ROI.
  • It cuts down on money wasted on ads that don't reach the right people.
  • It keeps ad campaigns performing well without needing to constantly check and change them by hand.

In short, Adext AI helps brands keep up with changing customer interests, making sure ads are always on point. This smart approach saves time and money, making marketing efforts more effective.

Adext AI

Adext AI
  • Understanding Your Ad Results

Adext AI digs into your ad results and who's seeing your ads to help you make them better. It uses smart tech to look at tons of info and find helpful tips.

Spotting Who Likes Your Ads Best

Adext checks out who's watching your ads and how they're reacting. It looks at stuff like:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Where they live
  • What they're into
  • The gadgets they use

Then, it tells you which group of people seems to really dig your ads.

For instance, it might find that women aged 30-40 who love working out are really into your sports gear ads.

Keeping an Eye on How Your Ads Are Doing

Adext doesn't just stop with who likes your ads; it also watches how your ads perform over time. It looks at:

  • How many people see your ads
  • How many click on them
  • How many actually buy something or sign up
  • How much you're spending for each click or sign-up

By watching these trends, Adext helps you see what's working well and what's not.

Tips to Make Your Ads Better

Adext keeps giving you tips on how to boost your ad game. Here's what it might suggest:

  • Turning off ads that aren't getting much attention
  • Putting more money into ads that are doing great
  • Trying your ads with new groups of people who might like them
  • Using ad content that's already doing well in other campaigns

Adext makes it easier for you to keep your ads fresh and effective without having to do all the number-crunching yourself. With its smart help, you can focus more on the creative side of ads while it handles the data.


Scaling Campaigns with Machine Learning Models

Adext AI uses smart machine learning to help you grow your ads more efficiently. It does this by using automation to figure out where to spend your money best, quickly finding the people most likely to be interested in what you're selling, and always making your ads better.

Discovery Model

The Discovery model is all about trying different things with your ads, like changing pictures or words, to see what works best. It learns on the go and picks the winning ads to show more people, all within your budget.


  • It saves you time because it does the testing for you.
  • Finds out which ads connect best with your audience.
  • Makes sure your money is spent where it can bring in the most returns.

With Discovery, you don't have to guess and check with your ads; this model does that for you and helps get better results.

Jackpot Model

The Jackpot model looks at your past ad campaigns to find your star customers. Then, it looks for more people like them and shows your ads to these new folks.


  • Finds people you might have missed but are likely to buy from you.
  • Puts your budget towards folks more likely to make a purchase.
  • Cuts down on the time you'd spend digging through data yourself.

Jackpot makes it easier to reach people who are ready to engage with your brand, helping you make the most out of your ad spend.

Challenge Model

The Challenge model experiments with your budget to see if spending more can get you better results. It learns the best amount to use to hit your goals without going overboard.


  • Tries out higher budgets to see if they lead to more sales.
  • Figures out the best spending amount for your goals.
  • Helps you get the most out of your campaign without wasting money.

Challenge gives you smart suggestions on how to adjust your budget to improve your ad performance efficiently.

By using Adext's machine learning models, you can take advantage of automation to better your ads, find the right customers, and use your budget wisely. This means less work for you and better outcomes for your campaigns.

Common Questions

Here are simple answers to some common questions about using Adext AI to make ad creation easier:

What types of ads can I make with Adext AI?

Adext AI works with Google Ads and Meta Ads. This includes ads like search, display, video, and shopping ads on different devices. They're planning to add more types of ads and platforms soon.

How much do I need to spend to start with Adext AI?

You can start with as little as $10 a day. There's no need for a long-term contract, and you only pay on the days your ads are active.

How is the price for Adext AI decided?

The price depends on how much you're spending on ads across all your accounts. There are monthly plans for small budgets of less than $500 to large ones over $50k. There are also custom prices for really big businesses.

Can I stop using Adext AI whenever I want?

Yes, you can stop your campaigns anytime without extra charges. If you want to cancel your subscription, just let them know 30 days ahead.

When will I start seeing results from Adext AI?

You'll usually notice your ads doing better within the first week or two. The system keeps making your ads better over time, so the longer you use it, the better your results will be.

What kind of access to my ad accounts does Adext AI need?

Adext needs to be able to look at your past ad data and make new ads, but it won't touch your payment info. It uses a safe, view-only access for analysis and an Editor role to create ads.

Can I manage ads for more than one account?

Yes, you can connect as many ad accounts as you want from Google, Meta, and other platforms. Adext AI will help manage and improve ads across all of them.

How can I keep track of how my ads are doing?

You can see everything happening with your ads in real-time on your Adext dashboard. It shows you all the important stuff like how many people are seeing your ads, clicking on them, and more.

Who do I talk to if I need help?

Adext has email and chat support right in your dashboard. If you need help fast, they also have a 24/7 phone support line.


Let's wrap up what we've talked about regarding Adext AI and how it makes creating ads easier.

Key points we covered:

  • Getting started - We went over how to quickly sign up, connect your ad accounts, pick the ads you want to improve, and set up your first campaign.
  • Using automation - We saw how Adext AI automatically finds the right people to show your ads to and keeps improving your ads over time. This means less grunt work and better results.
  • Focusing on the right audience - We talked about how Adext AI can spot and adjust ads for people whose interests change, helping your ads stay relevant and effective.
  • Growing smarter with machine learning - We looked at how Adext uses smart tech to test different ads, manage your budget, and find more people likely to be interested in what you're selling.

In short, Adext AI takes care of the tricky parts of making and improving ads. It figures out who should see your ads and how to make your ads better, all by itself. This means you can spend more time thinking about the big picture and coming up with cool ideas.

Adext AI is great for anyone who wants to make their ads work harder without having to dig into all the details themselves. It's all about making ad campaigns that do well with less effort from you.

If you're looking to make your advertising easier and get more out of your budget, Adext AI is a smart choice. It's user-friendly and focused on getting you results.

Related Questions

What is the best AI for creating ads?

Quickads stands out as a top choice for making ad copy with AI. It has special setups for ads on popular platforms like Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and more. This tool helps you craft ads that fit each platform's style and rules, aiming to get you better results.

Key features include:

  • Creating ad copy that fits each platform
  • Trying out many ad variations automatically
  • Working directly with big ad platforms
  • Supporting different ad types (like text, images, video)

Quickads is a strong, easy-to-use choice for anyone looking to make their ads smarter with AI.

How is AI used in advertising?

AI helps create many versions of an ad automatically, so you don't have to make each one by hand. It can change the ad's size, format, headlines, pictures, and wording to suit different places.

Key uses include:

  • Mixing up creative parts of ads to see what works best
  • Making sure ads fit the rules of where they'll show
  • Picking the best variations to use more
  • Doing routine tasks so you can think more about the big picture

AI takes care of the repetitive work, letting advertisers focus on strategy and creative ideas.

What is the most commonly used generative AI tool?

DALL-E 2 is a popular tool right now for making images and art with AI. It's better than the first version, making more realistic pictures that match what you ask for. With simple instructions, it can create pictures for products, designs, and more to make ads better.

Key benefits:

  • Making very real-looking pictures
  • Understanding what you want from simple instructions
  • Making pictures that usually don't need much fixing
  • Helping creators make lots of visuals quickly

DALL-E 2 is at the forefront of making high-quality images easily with AI.

What is an example of a generative AI marketing campaign?

In 2021, BMW used generative AI for a unique ad campaign. They worked with an AI art platform to make special AI art and then showed it on their 8 Series Gran Coupé cars.

This creative use of AI helped BMW:

  • Show off new tech in a way that matches their brand
  • Create lots of cool, attention-grabbing art fast
  • Put together impressive ads anytime
  • Show they're leading in using AI in the car industry

For companies willing to try new tech, generative AI opens up exciting ways to grab people's attention.

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Nitin Mahajan
Founder & CEO
Nitin is the CEO of with 20+ years of experience in the field of marketing and advertising. Previously, he was a partner at McKinsey & Co and MD at Accenture, where he has led 20+ marketing transformations.