Buy Facebook Ads Accounts: Understanding the Benefits

Learn about the benefits of buying aged Facebook Ads accounts, how to safely purchase them, and alternative options. Discover success stories and best practices for using purchased accounts.
Written By
Nitin Mahajan
Published on
October 5, 2024

Buying Facebook Ads accounts can offer small and medium-sized businesses a quick boost in their advertising efforts. Here's a straightforward look at why you might consider this option:

  • Overcome Limitations: Standard new accounts come with restrictions like low spending limits and basic targeting options.
  • Instant Activation and Higher Spending Limits: Aged accounts allow for immediate use and significantly higher daily ad spending.
  • Advanced Targeting: Access more detailed customer targeting options right away.
  • Bypass Restrictions: Ability to advertise products or services that might be restricted to new accounts.

However, it's crucial to purchase these accounts safely, ensuring they are from reputable sellers and without previous policy violations. Also, consider alternatives like starting fresh accounts or hiring an ad agency based on your business needs and capabilities.

The Solution: Buying Aged Facebook Ads Accounts

Facebook Ads Accounts

Getting an older Facebook ads account that's already set up is a smart way to get past the usual limits. These accounts are ready to go with higher spending limits, you can use them right away, they have fewer rules on what you can advertise, and you can target your ads better.

Benefits of Buying Aged Accounts

  • Higher Daily Spending Limits: Older accounts often let you spend more than $500 a day. This means you can show your ads to more people.
  • Instant Account Activation: You don't have to wait for Facebook to check and approve your account. You can start showing your ads right away.
  • Improved Targeting Capabilities: You can be more specific about who sees your ads, making sure they reach the right people.
  • Bypass Policy Limitations: You can advertise things that new accounts might not be allowed to.

Vetting Reputable Sellers

Make sure you're buying from someone trustworthy:

  • Look up what other people have said about the seller.
  • Ask for details about the account like how old it is, what ads have been run on it, and how much you can spend.
  • Check how much money has been spent from the account, what kind of results it got, and if Facebook thinks it's a good account.
  • Make sure they promise to give you full control of the account and offer a refund if things don't work out. - Complement Account Buying with AI-Generated Ads

Buying an old Facebook account helps, but your ads also need to be good. can make ads for you that are likely to get results.

With, you get:

  • Lots of ad ideas that fit your brand, in 35 different languages
  • Choices for what you want your ad to do, like getting more visits to your website or more downloads of your app
  • Really nice pictures for your products made by AI

When you use an older Facebook account with, you're not just getting around spending and targeting limits. You're also making sure your ads are as good as they can be.

Key Benefits of Buying Facebook Ads Accounts

BenefitBuying AccountsNew AccountsHigher Daily Spending LimitsOften $500+ per dayStarts around $25 per dayInstant Account ActivationReady to use immediately1-2 week wait for verificationExpanded Targeting OptionsDetailed targeting capabilitiesOnly basic targeting optionsBypass Policy LimitationsCan advertise restricted products/servicesLimited to Facebook's advertising policies

When you buy a Facebook ads account that's already been set up, you get a bunch of perks compared to starting a new one from scratch. The table above shows some clear advantages like being able to spend more money each day, starting to use the account right away, having more ways to pick who sees your ads, and being able to advertise stuff that new accounts usually can't.

Higher Daily Spending Limits

New accounts on Facebook can only spend about $25 a day on ads, which isn't a lot if you're trying to reach a bunch of people. But if you buy an account, you can often spend over $500 a day. This means you can get your ads in front of more people, fast.

Instant Account Activation

If you start a new Facebook ads account, you have to wait around 1-2 weeks for Facebook to check and okay it. But if you buy an account, you can skip the wait and start using it to run ads right away. This is super handy if you need to get your ads out there quickly.

Expanded Targeting Options

With a new account, you only get basic choices for who you can show your ads to, like their age or where they live. But with a bought account, you get to use more detailed options right away. This means you can make sure your ads are seen by the exact people who are most likely to buy what you're selling.

Bypass Policy Limitations

Facebook doesn't let new accounts advertise certain things, like cryptocurrency or gambling. But with an account that's already up and running, you can. Just make sure the account you're buying doesn't have any problems with Facebook.

In short, buying a Facebook ads account can give you a head start. You can spend more, get going faster, target your ads better, and even advertise things that new accounts can't. It's like skipping to the front of the line in the world of Facebook advertising.

How to Safely Buy Facebook Ads Accounts

Buying Facebook ads accounts can really help your ads reach more people, but you've got to be careful to do it the right way. Here's a simple guide on how to buy Facebook ads accounts without running into trouble:

Research Reputable Sellers

Start by finding sellers that other people trust.

  • Look up what others say about them in online forums and communities.
  • Read reviews to see if people were happy with their service.
  • Check if the seller has a professional-looking website and a way to contact them.
  • Stay away from sellers who have bad reviews or no reputation at all.

Verify Account Authenticity

Make sure the account you're buying is the real deal.

  • Look at how old the account is, how many friends or followers it has, and how much money has been spent on ads.
  • Make sure the account has been used for real, rule-following ad campaigns.
  • Ask to see screenshots of the ad spend summary and who the ads were shown to.
  • Check that the account hasn't been in major trouble for breaking rules.

Evaluate Metrics and Benchmarks

Take a closer look at how well the account's ads have done:

  • Look at data like click-through rates, conversions, and how relevant the ads were.
  • Check the quality of the audience, like how often they see ads and how recent their interactions are.
  • Make sure Facebook thinks it's a "Good Account" based on its performance.
  • Better numbers mean the account is more likely to do well with ads.

Discuss Transfer of Ownership

Talk to the seller about how they'll give you the account:

  • Understand what steps they'll take to make you the new owner.
  • Agree on when you'll take over and get all the login info before then.
  • Make sure you're the full admin and have complete control after the transfer.

Use Secure Payment Methods

To keep your money safe, use payment methods you can trust:

  • Don't send money directly to their bank unless you really trust the seller.
  • Consider using an escrow service or a payment platform that protects buyers.
  • Don't pay the full amount until you've got the account and checked it out.

By sticking to these steps, you can buy a top-notch Facebook ads account safely from a seller you can trust. Making sure everything checks out and using safe ways to pay are key to avoiding scams.

Things to Consider Before Buying

Before you decide to buy an aged Facebook ads account, there are a few important things you should check. Make sure the account and the person selling it are trustworthy. It's also good to know how you'll get the account and if you can get help after you buy it. Here’s what to focus on:

Research Account Quality

  • Check how old the account is, how much money has been spent on ads, and if those ads worked well. Older accounts with a good history of ads are better.
  • Make sure the account hasn’t broken any of Facebook’s ad rules. You can't use accounts that were suspended or banned.
  • Ask for proof like pictures or data that show who the ads were shown to and how well they did. This helps you know if the account is a good one.

Assess Seller Reputation

  • Look up what other people say about the seller online. Good reviews and feedback are a positive sign.
  • See if the seller can give you names of people who bought from them before and ask those people how their experience was.
  • A seller should have a real website, a way to contact them, and should answer your questions quickly.

Understand Account Transfer Process

  • Make sure you know exactly how the seller will move the account to your name and make you the boss of it.
  • Agree on when the account will be yours and check that you can get into it before you pay any money.
  • Get all the important details like passwords and how to pay for ads once the account is yours.

Verify Post-Purchase Support

  • Ask if the seller will help you with any problems after you buy the account.
  • Find out if they offer help if you have trouble getting into the account or using it.
  • Know what the seller will do if the account has problems after you buy it, like giving your money back or giving you a different account.

Keeping these things in mind will help you avoid problems and make sure you’re getting a good deal on a Facebook ads account. Doing your homework first can really pay off.


Best Practices for Using Bought Facebook Ads Accounts

When you get a Facebook ads account that someone else has used before, there are smart ways to make sure it works well for you. Here's a simple guide:

Gradually Scale Your Ad Spend

Don't rush to spend a lot of money on ads right after you get the account. Increase your spending slowly. This helps you avoid problems with Facebook thinking something's wrong.

  • Begin by using the same budget as the previous owner but cut it down to 25-50%.
  • If things look good, you can slowly spend more—try adding 10-25% more money every week.
  • Watch how the ads are doing before you decide to spend even more.

This careful approach helps you avoid any trouble.

Test Multiple Ad Creatives

Try out different kinds of ads to see what your audience likes best. Use different pictures, videos, and words, and see which ones work best.

  • Change one thing at a time in your ads to see what makes a difference.
  • Give it about a week to see which ads do better.
  • Use what you learn to make your ads even better.

Testing helps you find the best way to talk to your audience.

Maintain Ad Compliance

Make sure your ads follow Facebook's rules. This keeps your account safe from being shut down.

  • Read up on Facebook's rules about what you can and can't show in ads.
  • Check that your ads and the pages they send people to follow these rules.
  • Use Facebook's tool to check your ads for any rule-breaking before you run them.

Following the rules is important to keep your ads running smoothly.

Optimize Campaigns for Conversions

Keep an eye on how your ads are doing and look for ways to make them better.

  • Look at important numbers like how much you're spending to get people to do what you want, how many people are taking action because of your ads, and how interested people are in what you're showing them.
  • Find out which parts of your ads are working best—like who's seeing them and what kind of ads they are—and use more of what works.
  • Try small changes often to keep getting better results.

Keeping track of how your ads are doing and making them better over time helps you get more out of your spending.

Following these simple steps can help you use your new Facebook ads account in the best way, making sure your ads reach the right people and do a great job.

Alternatives to Buying Facebook Ads Accounts

If you're thinking twice about buying old Facebook ads accounts, here are a couple of other paths you might want to look at:

AlternativeProsConsCreate New Facebook Ads Accounts• You're in charge from the start
• No worries about old problems
• You can set it up how you like• You start with low spending limits
• Waiting around 1-2 weeks to get started
• Basic choices for who sees your adsHire a Facebook Ads Agency• They know what they're doing
• They've got a system that works
• They already have accounts set up• You have to pay them
• Might not get things exactly your way
• You won't learn how to do it yourself

Create New Facebook Ads Accounts

Making new Facebook ads accounts means everything is fresh and under your control. You don't have to deal with any past issues. The flip side is you'll face the usual new account limits like not being able to spend much at first, having to wait for Facebook to check your account, and simple targeting options at the beginning.

Hire a Facebook Ads Agency

If you're not up for running Facebook ads yourself, getting an agency to do it can be a good move. They've got the know-how and resources to make things work. But, it means extra costs for their help. Also, you might not get to tailor everything to your liking, and you won't pick up Facebook ads skills for yourself.

Choosing the right path depends on what you're looking for, how much you're willing to spend, and what skills you have. Think about the good and bad of buying accounts versus these options to decide what's best for your business.

Success Stories: Real Examples

Buying Facebook ads accounts that have been around for a while has helped many small and medium-sized businesses get past spending limits and rules to really boost their advertising success. Here are two stories that show how this can make a big difference:

Case Study 1: Pet Supply E-Commerce Store

A store online that sells pet stuff was having a tough time growing because they could only spend $25 a day on ads. When they got an older Facebook ads account that let them spend up to $750 a day, they were able to:

  • Spend up to $500 a day on ads, reaching 20 times more people who might buy something
  • Start showing ads to dog owners in 12 more countries in Europe and Asia
  • Spend less for each click by 15% and get 25% more sales
  • Earn three times more money back from what they spent on ads

Key Takeaways:

  • Being able to spend more helped them show ads to more people at a lower cost
  • Showing ads in new countries brought in more customers
  • More sales and better returns on ad spending helped the business grow faster

Case Study 2: Local Home Services Business

A local business that fixes up homes couldn't use Facebook ads to talk about their services because of certain rules. After they bought an older ads account, they were able to:

  • Start advertising for services like plumbing and remodeling again
  • Create ads that helped people book appointments or ask for services
  • Get 40% more people asking for services in just two months
  • Book twice as many jobs as they did the year before

Key Takeaways:

  • Getting an older account let them advertise without worrying about the rules
  • Ads that asked people to book services brought in 40% more business
  • More bookings meant a lot more money for the business

These stories show how buying older Facebook ads accounts can help businesses reach more people, enter new markets, do better with their ads, and really grow their earnings. By moving past spending caps and rules, getting these accounts can be a smart move for growth.


Buying older Facebook ads accounts can be a smart move for small and medium-sized businesses that want to do better with their ads. These accounts let you spend more money each day, start using them right away, choose your audience more carefully, and even promote things that new accounts can't.

But, it's important to be careful when buying and using these accounts to make sure everything goes smoothly.

Key Takeaways

  • Older Facebook ads accounts have some big advantages, like letting you spend more money and start advertising without waiting.
  • It's really important to check if the person selling the account is trustworthy and if the account itself is in good shape. You also need to know how you'll get the account and make sure you're using safe ways to pay.
  • Once you have an account, don't start spending a lot of money right away. Try different ads, follow the rules, and keep an eye on how your ads are doing to get the best results.
  • If buying an account doesn't feel right, you can always start a new one or hire an agency to do your ads for you. Each option has its own good and bad points.

Looking Ahead

Buying an older Facebook account can really help small businesses grow by letting them reach more people and sell more stuff. Just make sure to buy safely and manage the account well.

New tools that use AI to help make ads, like, are making things even better. They can write ads for you in many languages and make sure your ads look great.

By using these older accounts with new ad-making tools, small businesses can overcome challenges and reach more customers. Just remember to buy carefully and manage your account well to make the most of it.

Related Questions

Is it worth paying for ads on Facebook?

Yes, spending money on Facebook ads can really pay off for most businesses if they set them up the right way. As Rambod Yadegar, a digital marketing expert, says, "Facebook ads are definitely worth it if you do them correctly. A lot of successful online marketing plans use a mix of different strategies like PPC, SEO, and paid social media ads."

The important thing is to make sure your ads reach the right people and to keep an eye on how they're doing so you can make them better over time. With Facebook's huge user base and smart targeting options, you can reach a lot of potential customers without spending too much.

Should I pay someone to do my Facebook ads?

Hiring an expert to handle your Facebook ads can be a good idea if the money you make from the ads is more than what you're paying them. Think about how much you need to spend to reach your goals and what kind of return you can expect. Then, decide if the cost of an ad manager is worth it for you. Plus, letting someone else manage your ads gives you more time to focus on other parts of your business.

What are the benefits of Facebook paid ads?

Facebook paid ads offer several big advantages:

  • They help more people learn about your brand.
  • You can show your ads to exactly the right people using Facebook's detailed data.
  • Getting new customers through Facebook can be cheaper than other ways.
  • If you set up your ads well, they can bring in a lot of money compared to what you spend.
  • You can control how much you spend on ads very easily.

Overall, Facebook is a great place to advertise because it lets you reach a lot of people and target your ads very precisely.

Why do people buy Facebook ads?

People buy Facebook ads mainly to reach a lot of people easily and affordably. Facebook lets you show your ads to people who are most likely to be interested in what you're offering. This is a great way to get your brand out there, connect with potential customers, and grow your business.

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Nitin Mahajan
Founder & CEO
Nitin is the CEO of with 20+ years of experience in the field of marketing and advertising. Previously, he was a partner at McKinsey & Co and MD at Accenture, where he has led 20+ marketing transformations.