Boost Your ai shorts editor Skills with These Top Tips

July 14, 2024

Nitin is the CEO of with 20+ years of experience in the field of marketing and advertising. Previously, he was a partner at McKinsey & Co and MD at Accenture, where he has led 20+ marketing transformations.

Want to create eye-catching short videos quickly? AI shorts editors are game-changers for video marketing. Here's how to level up your skills:

  1. Use AI-powered trimming
  2. Add AI-generated captions
  3. Enhance video quality with AI
  4. Optimize audio automatically
  5. Find and add B-roll clips
  6. Apply AI-made transitions
  7. Repurpose long videos into shorts
  8. Create storyboards with AI
  9. Set ideal video pacing
  10. Add AI-generated music and sound effects
Feature Benefit
Auto-editing Saves time
Text-to-speech Adds voiceovers easily
Music library Quick background tracks
Captions Improves accessibility

These tips will help you create attention-grabbing videos faster, whether you're new to AI editors or looking to improve. Let's dive in and learn how to make the most of these powerful tools.

What Are AI Shorts Editors?

AI shorts editors are tools that use AI to make short video creation easier. These tools help businesses and content makers quickly create good short videos. They do many editing tasks automatically, so users can focus on being creative.

Here's what AI shorts editors can do:

Feature What it does
Auto-editing Cuts and arranges video clips on its own
Text-to-speech Adds computer-generated voices to videos
Music library Offers many background music options
Captions Adds text to videos automatically

Using AI shorts editors has many good points:

  • Saves time
  • Makes video editing simpler
  • Helps create good videos without much experience
  • Boosts online presence
  • Helps reach target audience
  • Can lead to more sales through good video content

These tools are changing how businesses make short videos for marketing. They make it easier to create eye-catching content that viewers enjoy. As more companies use video to reach customers, knowing how to use AI shorts editors well is important.

1. Use AI-Powered Trimming

AI-powered trimming is a key feature in AI shorts editors. It helps you cut videos faster and better. Here's what it can do:


The AI looks at your video and cuts out parts you don't need. This means:

  • You spend less time editing
  • You can focus on making your video look good

Better Captions

AI trimming also helps with captions. It makes sure the words match what's happening in the video.

Here's how AI-powered trimming can help you:

Benefit How it helps
Saves time Cuts videos automatically
Better videos Removes parts that don't look good
More views Makes videos that people want to watch
Do more Edit more videos in less time

With AI trimming, you can make good videos that people will like to watch.

2. Use AI-Generated Captions

AI-generated captions make video editing easier. They help you add text to your videos quickly and correctly. This is good for making videos that more people can watch and enjoy.

How Good Are AI Captions?

AI captions match the words in your video very well. They:

  • Fit with what people are saying
  • Show up at the right time
  • Can be changed to look how you want

Why Use AI Captions?

Reason How It Helps
More people can watch People who can't hear can read the captions
People watch longer Captions help viewers understand better
Saves you time You don't have to write captions yourself
Shows up in searches Words in captions help people find your video online

AI captions make your videos better without much extra work. They help more people enjoy your content and can make your videos easier to find online.

3. Use AI to Make Your Videos Look Better

AI tools can help make your videos look nicer without much work. These tools can fix and improve how your videos look, making them more fun to watch and more professional.

What AI Can Do to Your Videos

AI video tools can make many parts of your video better:

What AI Does How It Helps
Fixes colors Makes colors look right and nice
Removes noise Gets rid of fuzzy spots in the video
Makes videos clearer Can make low-quality videos look sharper
Follows things in the video Helps you edit specific parts of the video

These AI tools can help you make better-looking videos quickly. You don't need to be an expert to use them. They can make your videos look more professional, which can help more people want to watch them.

Using AI to improve how your videos look can save you time. It can also help your videos stand out online. This is good if you want more people to see and like your videos.

4. Optimize Audio with AI

AI tools can help make your video's sound better. These tools can fix audio problems and make voices clearer.

Audio Optimization

AI can look at your audio and make it sound better. It can:

  • Take out background noise
  • Make voices easier to hear
  • Balance sound levels

This saves time and makes your audio sound more professional.

Automated Trimming

AI can also cut out parts of your audio you don't want. This is good for people who make podcasts or YouTube videos. It can:

  • Cut out quiet parts
  • Make audio the right length
  • Join audio parts smoothly
What AI Does How It Helps
Removes noise Makes audio clearer
Balances sound Makes all parts easy to hear
Cuts out silence Makes videos more interesting
Joins audio parts Makes smooth transitions

Using AI for audio helps you focus on making good content instead of fixing sound problems.

5. Add Extra Video Clips with AI Help

Using Extra Clips

Adding extra video clips can make your main video more interesting. These extra clips are called B-roll. They help show more about what you're talking about in your video.

AI tools can help you find and add B-roll to your videos. Here's how it works:

Step What to Do
1 Put your video into an AI editing tool
2 Ask the AI to find good extra clips
3 Pick the clips you like from what the AI suggests
4 Add these clips to your video
5 Make sure the clips fit well with your main video

Using AI to find B-roll can help you:

  • Save time looking for extra clips
  • Find clips that match your video well
  • Make your video more fun to watch

When you use AI to add B-roll, your videos can look more professional without much extra work.


6. Try AI-Made Transitions

What Are AI Transitions?

AI transitions are effects that connect parts of your video. They make your video look better and tell your story more smoothly. AI tools can make these transitions for you, saving time and effort.

Here's what AI transitions can do for your videos:

Benefit How It Helps
Save time AI makes transitions quickly
More choices AI offers many types of transitions
Better story Transitions help your video flow well
Look good AI transitions can make your video look more professional

How to Use AI Transitions

You can use AI transitions in different ways:

  1. Use Lindo: This tool lets you make your own style for transitions.
  2. Try Submagic: Upload your video, click "Magic B-rolls," and get transitions.
  3. Check out CapCut: This tool looks at your video and suggests good transitions.

Using AI transitions is easy and can make your videos better. They help join parts of your video smoothly and make it more fun to watch.

7. Use AI to Make New Videos from Old Ones

AI can help you turn long videos into short, fun clips. This makes your videos more useful and helps more people see them.

AI Cuts Videos for You

AI tools can find the best parts of your videos and cut them out. This saves you time and work. Tools like Opus Clip and AI Video Cut can:

  • Look at your video
  • Pick out good short clips
  • Rank the clips by how much people might like them

Make Many Videos from One

You can use one long video to make many short ones. This helps you:

  • Get more from your videos
  • Reach more people
  • Make more content without making new videos

AI tools help you find the parts of your video that people will like most. This makes it easier to turn them into short videos.

Here's how using AI to make new videos from old ones helps you:

Benefit How It Helps
Save time AI finds good parts of videos for you
Make more content Get many short videos from one long video
Reach more people Short videos can be shared in more places
Focus on making good videos Spend less time cutting videos

8. AI-Powered Storyboarding

Storyboarding helps people plan their videos or movies before making them. AI tools now make this process easier and faster.

How AI Helps with Storyboarding

AI can quickly make storyboards in just a few minutes. This helps creators:

  • Try out different ideas faster
  • Make their projects sooner
  • See how their story might look

AI can also help with:

  • Making shot lists
  • Guessing what scenes might come next
  • Creating pictures that look real

Tools for AI Storyboarding

There are many AI tools for storyboarding. Some are free, and some cost money. Here are some examples:

Tool Name What It Does Cost
Storyboarder Makes simple storyboards Free
Adobe Character Animator Helps make animated characters Costs money
Rensen-3D Makes 3D storyboards Costs money

These tools can help different people, from beginners to experts. Each tool has its own special features to help make storyboards.

9. Use AI to Set the Right Speed for Your Videos

AI can help make your short videos more fun to watch by setting the right speed. This means your video won't be too slow or too fast.

How AI Checks Your Video's Speed

AI tools look at things like:

  • How long each part of your video is
  • How fast you change from one scene to another
  • How fast the sound goes

This helps find parts that might be too slow or too fast.

AI Helps Cut Your Video

AI can also help cut out parts of your video you don't need. This makes your video shorter and more interesting. It saves you time, so you can focus on making your video look good.

Why Using AI for Video Speed is Good

Here's how AI can help make your videos better:

Benefit How It Helps
More people watch your whole video Your video stays interesting from start to end
You save time AI does some of the work for you
Your story comes across better The right speed helps tell your story well

Using AI to set the right speed for your videos can make them more fun to watch. This can help more people like and share your videos.

10. Using AI for Music and Sound Effects

AI tools can now make music and sound effects for your videos. This helps you add good audio to your videos quickly and easily.

AI-Made Music

AI can make music for your videos. It looks at lots of songs and learns how to make new ones. You can get music in different styles for your videos. Some tools that do this are:

AI-Made Sound Effects

AI can also make sound effects. These can make your videos sound better. You can get different types of sounds like:

  • Background noises
  • Everyday sounds
  • Special effects

Why Use AI for Music and Sounds

Using AI for music and sounds can help you:

Benefit How It Helps
Save time AI makes sounds quickly
Save money Can be cheaper than buying music
Focus on video Spend less time on audio

Tips for Using AI Music and Sounds

Here's how to use AI music and sounds well:

  • Think about what feeling you want in your video
  • Try different types of music to see what fits
  • Use sounds to make your video better
  • Mix different AI tools to make your own sound

AI can help you add good music and sounds to your videos without much work.

More AI Editing Tips

Here are some extra ways to use AI to make your videos better:

Adding AI-Made Sound Effects

AI tools can give you many sound effects for your videos. These sounds can make your videos more fun to watch. They can help with:

  • Changing from one part to another
  • Making things seem more real
  • Adding background noises

Using AI for Smooth Changes

AI can help make your video parts flow together nicely. It can add effects that make one part of your video change into another smoothly. This makes your video look better and easier to watch.

Type of Change What It Does
Simple cut Moves from one scene to another quickly
Fade One scene slowly turns into another
Wipe One scene slides over another

Trying AI Picture Styles

AI can change how your video looks. It can make your video:

  • Look older
  • Look like a cartoon
  • Have different colors

AI can also help you cut your video in new ways. It can look at the sound or movement in your video and suggest where to make cuts.


To finish up, getting better at AI shorts editing means always learning about new tools. Here's a quick look at what we've covered:

AI Feature What It Does
Trimming Cuts videos quickly
Captions Adds text to videos
Visual effects Makes videos look better
Audio tools Improves sound quality
Transitions Connects video parts smoothly
Repurposing Makes new videos from old ones
Storyboarding Helps plan videos
Speed setting Adjusts video pace
Music and sounds Adds audio to videos

Tips to remember:

  • Try different AI tools to see what you like
  • Keep learning about new AI video editing features
  • Practice using these tools often

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