Custom Ad Maker: Simplifying Ad Creation for Non-Technical Users

April 27, 2024

Nitin is the CEO of with 20+ years of experience in the field of marketing and advertising. Previously, he was a partner at McKinsey & Co and MD at Accenture, where he has led 20+ marketing transformations.

Creating ads doesn't have to be a daunting task reserved for tech-savvy designers. With custom ad makers, anyone can produce professional-looking ads with ease, even without technical skills. Here’s a quick guide to what makes them so accessible:

  • Drag-and-Drop Interface: Move elements around with ease.

  • Template Libraries: Choose from pre-made designs and customize them.

  • AI-Powered Tools: Get help with writing ad copy and selecting images.

  • Multi-Format Export: Create ads that fit various platforms perfectly.

  • Collaboration Features: Work together with your team on ad projects.

  • Customization: Adjust every aspect to align with your brand.

Whether you're a small business owner or part of a marketing team, custom ad makers simplify the ad creation process, allowing you to focus on what really matters - your message and your audience.

Professionally Designed Templates

These ad makers have a bunch of ready-made designs that look professional. You can pick one that's close to what you need and then make it your own by changing the pictures, words, and style. It's like having a starting point so you don't have to start from zero.

AI-Powered Creative Tools

Some ad makers use AI to help make parts of your ad for you:

  • Auto image creator: Makes pictures based on what you tell it

  • Ad copywriter: Writes ad text for you

  • Image enhancer: Makes your pictures look better automatically

This helps people who aren't designers or writers make great ads quickly.

Real-Time Collaboration Features

These ad makers let your team work on the ad together, no matter where they are. You can:

  • Edit at the same time

  • Leave comments

  • Keep track of changes

  • Assign tasks

  • Manage the project

This makes it easier and faster to work together and come up with creative ideas.

Multi-Language Support

If you need your ad in different languages, these ad makers can:

  • Make ads in other languages

  • Translate your ad text

  • Make different versions for different places

This is great for reaching people in other countries without a lot of extra work.

Overall, custom ad makers make it simple for people who aren't tech-savvy to make their own ads. They have easy-to-use tools, templates, and features that help you make ads that look good and reach your audience.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your First Ad

1. Choose a Template

Start by looking through different templates until you find one that fits what you're trying to do with your ad. Think about your industry, what the ad is for, and what kind of pictures and colors you like. Picking a template first makes everything else easier.

2. Customize the Ad Design

Next, use the drag-and-drop editor to make the ad look like it's yours. You can:

  • Change pictures and graphics

  • Pick your brand colors

  • Use different fonts and styles for your text

  • Move things around or add and remove parts

Try out various looks to see what works best.

3. Add & Enhance Ad Copy

You can also use AI tools to help write your ad text. These tools can:

  • Come up with catchy titles

  • Create ad messages that get people interested

  • Change your ad for different languages

  • Make sure the ad sounds right for your audience

This means you don't have to write everything yourself.

4. Review & Collaborate

Use tools that let you and others work on the ad together. You can:

  • Write notes on the design

  • Look at changes side by side

  • Give specific tasks to people

  • Decide when the ad is ready

Working as a team helps make better ads quicker.

5. Translate Your Ad

Make your ad fit for different places by translating the text:

  • Automatically change the words to other languages

  • Make sure your message fits each place

  • Create new versions from scratch if needed

This makes going global easy.

6. Export & Publish Your Ad

When you're done, get your ad in the right format with just a click. Then, you can:

  • Send it straight to ad platforms

  • Or put it up yourself wherever you want

You can get your ad out there on different devices and places right away.

Creating Your First Ad with Quickads

Getting started with Quickads is easy, even for those without any design experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating your first ad:

  1. Sign Up and Log In:

    • Begin by signing up for a Quickads account. Once you’re registered, log in to access the platform's features.
  2. Choose a Template:

    • Quickads offers a variety of customizable templates tailored to different ad formats. Select a template that best fits your campaign needs, whether it’s for social media, display ads, or other digital channels.
  3. Customize Your Ad:

    • Use the intuitive drag-and-drop editor to personalize your ad. Add your brand’s logo, change colors to match your brand guidelines, and input your ad copy. Quickads provides AI-generated suggestions to enhance your ad content.
  4. Incorporate Visuals:

    • Enhance your ad with high-quality images and graphics. You can upload your own visuals or choose from Quickads’ extensive library of stock photos and illustrations.
  5. Preview and Adjust:

    • Before finalizing, preview your ad to ensure everything looks perfect. Make any necessary adjustments to text, images, and layout for optimal visual appeal and effectiveness.
  6. Set Targeting and Publish:

    • Define your target audience and set your ad parameters. Quickads makes it easy to select the right demographics, interests, and platforms to reach your desired audience.
  7. Monitor and Optimize:

    • Once your ad is live, use Quickads’ analytics tools to monitor its performance. Track key metrics and make data-driven adjustments to optimize your ad’s effectiveness.

Creating your first ad with Quickads is simple and efficient, allowing you to produce professional-quality ads quickly and affordably. Start leveraging the power of AI to boost your marketing efforts today!


Tips for Non-Technical Users

Creating ads might seem hard, but with custom ad makers, it's actually pretty easy, even if you're not a tech person. Here are some straightforward tips to help you make great ads without a fuss.

Focus on Your Goal & Audience

Before you dive in, think about what you want your ad to do and who should see it. This helps you make choices that fit your ad better. Consider:

  • Campaign goal: What's your aim? More sales, getting people to sign up, or something else? Be clear about it.

  • Target audience: What's important to them? What gets their attention? How can you help them?

Knowing your goal and who you're talking to helps make your ad more effective.

Leverage Templates Fully

Start by looking at the templates to find one that suits your ad's goal and appeals to your audience. Templates give you a head start with layouts and styles, so you can focus on:

  • Using images that show off your business

  • Choosing colors that go with your brand

  • Writing text that talks directly to your audience

Using templates makes the process easier.

Take Advantage of AI Tools

If coming up with the perfect words or pictures seems tough, let the AI tools like help. They can quickly:

  • Write catchy ad text that fits what you're offering

  • Create relevant images for your business

  • Improve your images to make them look better

This makes ads quicker and less scary for people who aren't tech-savvy.

Preview On All Devices

Before you're done, check how your ad looks on different devices like phones and computers. You want it to look good everywhere. Adjust if you need to!

Collaborate with Your Team

If you want feedback or ideas, let your team look and leave comments on the ad. Getting different viewpoints can help you catch things you might have missed.

Using a custom ad maker can make ad making simple and even enjoyable! These tips will help anyone, even if you're not techy, create ads that look like they were made by a pro.

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