instagram username ideas,Unique Instagram Username Ideas to Boost Your Brand

July 16, 2024

Nitin is the CEO of with 20+ years of experience in the field of marketing and advertising. Previously, he was a partner at McKinsey & Co and MD at Accenture, where he has led 20+ marketing transformations.

A strong Instagram username is crucial for your brand's online presence. Here's what you need to know:

  • Makes you easy to find and remember
  • Shows what your brand is about
  • Helps you stand out

Key types of Instagram usernames:

  • Personal brand (e.g. @JohnTheTechGuy)
  • Business (e.g. @TechInnovators)
  • Niche-specific (e.g. @FoodieFusion)
  • Fun and catchy (e.g. @PawsomePics)
  • Location-based (e.g. @NYCfoodie)

Tips for creating effective usernames:

  • Keep it short and simple
  • Make it relevant to your brand
  • Avoid numbers and special characters
  • Use the same name across all platforms
  • Check availability before deciding
Username Type Example Best For
Personal Brand @EmilyFashionista Influencers
Business @EcoFriendly Companies
Niche-Specific @TravelTrove Topic-focused accounts
Fun and Catchy @BrewtifulDay Standing out
Location-Based @LAadventures Local businesses

Avoid common mistakes like hard-to-spell names, using trademarked terms, or choosing inflexible usernames. Use tools like SpinXO or Namechk to generate ideas and check availability.

Creating effective Instagram usernames

To make a good Instagram username, you need to balance creativity and brand representation. Your username is a big part of how people see you online. Here are some key things to think about:

Clear and Relevant

Pick a username that's:

  • Easy to spell
  • Easy to remember
  • Related to your brand, product, or service

Don't use numbers or special characters unless they're part of your brand name.

Simple and Easy to Remember

Keep your username short and simple. Shorter names are easier to:

  • Remember
  • Type
  • Share

Avoid using hard words or phrases.

Same Across All Social Media

Use the same username on all your social media accounts. This helps people:

  • Find you easily
  • Connect with you on different platforms


Choose a username that won't go out of style quickly. Stay away from:

  • Trendy phrases
  • Memes that might not make sense later

Here's a quick guide to help you create a good Instagram username:

Do Don't
Keep it short Use numbers or special characters
Make it easy to spell Use complex words
Relate it to your brand Use trendy phrases
Use it on all social media Change it often

Types of Instagram username ideas

There are different kinds of Instagram usernames. Each type helps show who you are or what your brand is about. Here are the main types:

Personal Brand Usernames

These are good for people who want to be known for what they do. They often use:

  • Your name
  • Your initials
  • A version of your name

Business and Brand Usernames

These work well for companies or people selling things. They usually have:

  • The company name
  • Words about what you sell
  • A short phrase about your business

Niche-Specific Usernames

These are for accounts about one main topic. They help you:

  • Find people who like the same things
  • Build a group around one interest

Fun and Catchy Usernames

These usernames are easy to remember. They often use:

  • Word jokes
  • Clever spellings
  • Phrases that grab attention

Location-Based Usernames

These are good for local businesses or people. They often include:

  • City names
  • State names
  • Country names

This helps you find followers near you.

Here's a quick look at these username types:

Username Type What It Does Good For
Personal Brand Shows who you are Influencers, Experts
Business Shows what you sell Companies, Sellers
Niche-Specific Focuses on one topic Topic-based accounts
Fun and Catchy Easy to remember Standing out
Location-Based Shows where you are Local businesses

Pick the type that fits what you want to do on Instagram.

Personal brand usernames

Using your name in your Instagram username can help build your personal brand. It makes your account more personal and easy for people to find.

Here's how to make a good personal brand username:

  • Mix your name with what you do
  • Keep it short and easy to spell
  • Use words related to your work
  • Don't use numbers or special characters
  • Check if the username is free to use

Here are some examples:

Name Job Username Example
Emily Fashion influencer @EmilyFashionista
John Tech expert @JohnTheTechGuy
Sarah Food blogger @SarahTheFoodie
Michael Artist @MichaelTheArtist

These usernames tell people who you are and what you do. They're easy to remember and spell.

When making your username:

  • Use a form of your name that's easy to remember
  • Add words about your job
  • Keep it short
  • Make sure no one else is using it

A good username helps people find and remember you on Instagram.

Business and brand usernames

When making a username for your business on Instagram, try these ideas:

Using company names

Put your company name in your username. This helps people find you easily. For example:

  • @Nike
  • @CocaCola
  • @McDonalds

Industry-based username ideas

Make a username that shows what your business does. This helps you find followers who like your products. For example:

Business Type Username Example
Fashion brand @FashionForward
Tech company @TechInnovators
Eco-friendly products @EcoFriendly

How to make a good business username

When making your business username:

  • Keep it short and easy to remember
  • Make it about your business or what you sell
  • Try not to use numbers or symbols
  • Check if you can use the same name on other social media
  • Make sure it fits your brand's style

Niche-specific username ideas

Picking a username that fits your Instagram topic can help you find followers who like what you post. Here are some ideas for different types of accounts:

Fashion and Beauty

Type Username Examples
Fashion @FashionFrenzy, @StyleSavvy
Beauty @BeautyBuzzing, @GlamourGlow
Runway @RunwayRush

Food and Cooking

Type Username Examples
General Food @FoodieFusion, @BiteBuzz
Cooking @CulinaryCraft
Recipes @TastyTemptations
Food Events @FeastFrenzy

Travel and Lifestyle

Type Username Examples
Travel @TravelTrove, @WanderLustDiaries
Adventure @AdventureAvenue
Exploration @ExploreEra
Travel Tips @EscapeEssentials


Type Username Examples
General Tech @TechTonic, @DigitalDynamo
New Ideas @InnovateInsights
Future Tech @FutureFusion
Gadgets @GadgetGuru

These usernames give people a quick idea of what your account is about. Pick one that matches your topic and is easy to remember.

Fun and catchy usernames

To make your Instagram username stand out, try using word tricks, jokes, or unusual word pairs. Here are some ideas:

Word tricks and jokes

Username Examples What it means
@PawsomePics Mix of "paw" and "awesome" for pet photos
@BrewtifulDay Mix of "brew" and "beautiful" for coffee lovers
@FlowerPowerCo Old phrase used for a plant or garden account

TV and movie references

Username Examples What it's from
@TargaryenTales Game of Thrones-based name for book fans
@MayThePawsBeWithYou Star Wars joke for pet accounts
@SlytherinSquad Harry Potter-based name for school accounts

Odd word pairs

Username Examples What it means
@SunsetSavvy Mix of "sunset" and "savvy" for travel accounts
@MoonlightMaven Mix of "moonlight" and "maven" for art accounts
@BloomingBrunch Mix of "blooming" and "brunch" for food accounts

These usernames are fun and easy to remember. They give people a quick idea of what your account is about.

Location-based username ideas

Using city or country names, local sayings, or area-specific words in your Instagram username can help create a sense of community. This works well for travel, food, or lifestyle accounts that focus on a specific place.

City-inspired usernames

Username Examples What it means
@NYCfoodie New York City food lover
@LAadventures Los Angeles travel account
@TokyoTemptations Tokyo food and travel account

Local sayings and words

Username Examples What it means
@YallGoodVibes Southern-style wellness account
@FixinToTravel Texas-style travel account
@HellaGoodFood Bay Area food account

These usernames show where you're from or what area you're talking about. They can help you connect with people who like the same places or understand the local language.

When making a location-based username:

  • Use well-known city or country names
  • Add words that show what your account is about (like food, travel, etc.)
  • Use local words or sayings if they're easy to understand
  • Keep it short and easy to spell

Methods for creating new usernames

Here are some simple ways to make new Instagram usernames:

Use words that start with the same letter

Pick words that start with the same letter. This makes usernames easy to remember. For example:

Username Meaning
@SunnySmiles For a happy, positive account
@FoodieFinds For a food-focused account

Mix two words

Put two words together to make a new one. This helps show what your account is about. For example:

Username Meaning
@EcoStyle For an eco-friendly fashion account
@TechTalk For a technology discussion account

Add numbers or symbols carefully

You can use numbers or symbols to make your username different. But be careful - make sure it's still easy to type and remember. For example:

Username Meaning
@Urban_Chic For a city fashion account
@Tech2Day For a daily tech news account

When making your username:

  • Keep it short
  • Make it easy to spell
  • Make sure it's easy to remember
  • Choose something that fits your account's topic

The main goal is to pick a username that shows what your account is about and that people will remember.

Common username mistakes to avoid

When making an Instagram username, try not to make these common mistakes:

Hard-to-spell usernames

Don't use usernames that are hard to remember or spell. If your username is too complex, people might not find your account. Instead, pick a simple username that shows what your brand is about.

Using trademarked names

Make sure your username doesn't use someone else's brand name. This can cause legal problems. Check to make sure your username is new and doesn't copy other brands.

Usernames that don't allow for change

Pick a username that can grow with your brand. Don't use names that are too specific, as they might not fit if your brand changes. Choose a username that can work even if your brand grows or changes.

Here's a quick guide to help you avoid these mistakes:

Do Don't
Use simple words Use complex spellings
Check for trademark issues Copy other brand names
Choose a flexible name Pick a too-specific name
Keep it short and clear Use hard-to-type symbols

Helpful tools and resources

When making an Instagram username, these tools can help:

Username Generators

Tool What it does
SpinXO Makes usernames based on your name or interests
WeShare Gives username ideas from what you type in
Lingojam Offers up to 300 random username ideas
Jimpix Makes random usernames for different websites

Ways to Think of Ideas

  • Word Game: Start with words about your content and think of related words
  • Word Map: Draw a map of words about your content and see how to mix them

Checking if Names are Free

Tool What it does
Instagram search See if a name is free on Instagram
Namechk Check if a name is free on many websites
KnowEm Look for free names on social media sites

These tools can help you find a good Instagram username that fits your account and is easy to remember.


1. BrandFusionX

Easy to Remember

BrandFusionX is a good Instagram username that can help your brand stand out online. It's easy for people to remember because it combines words in a new way.

Fits Your Brand

This username works well for brands that focus on new ideas and technology. The word "Fusion" makes people think of mixing ideas, which is good for brands that like to try new things.

Catches Attention

BrandFusionX makes people curious. The "X" at the end makes them wonder what your brand does.

Check If It's Free

Before you use BrandFusionX, make sure no one else is using it on other social media sites. This helps keep your brand the same everywhere.

Aspect Description
Memorability Easy to remember due to word combination
Brand Fit Good for tech and innovation-focused brands
Attention-Grabbing "X" adds mystery and interest
Availability Check if free on all social media platforms

2. UrbanChicBoutiq

Easy to Remember

UrbanChicBoutiq is a good Instagram username for your brand. It mixes "Urban" and "Chic" to make people think of style. This makes it easy to remember.

Fits Your Brand

This username works well for:

  • Fashion brands
  • Lifestyle accounts
  • Home decor businesses

It's good for brands that focus on city life. The word "Boutiq" makes people think of nice shops.

Makes People Curious

UrbanChicBoutiq is different. It uses "Urban" and "Chic" together, which makes people want to know more about your brand.

Check If It's Free

Before you use UrbanChicBoutiq, make sure no one else is using it on other social media sites. This helps keep your brand the same everywhere.

Aspect What It Means
Easy to Remember Uses words that go well together
Fits Your Brand Good for city-focused fashion and lifestyle brands
Makes People Curious Different words make people interested
Check If It's Free Look on all social media sites before using

3. EcoTrendsetters

Easy to Remember

EcoTrendsetters is a good Instagram username that mixes "Eco" and "Trendsetters". It's easy for people to remember because it uses two simple words they know.

Fits Your Brand

This username works well for brands that care about:

  • The environment
  • New fashion ideas
  • Healthy living

It's good for companies that want to show they care about nature and like new ideas.

Stands Out

EcoTrendsetters is different from other names. It makes people want to know more about what your brand does.

Check If It's Free

Before you use EcoTrendsetters, make sure no one else is using it on other social media sites. This helps keep your brand the same everywhere.

What to Look At Why It's Good
Easy to Remember Uses two simple words
Fits Your Brand Good for eco-friendly and new idea brands
Stands Out Makes people curious
Check If It's Free Look on all social media sites before using

This username shows that your brand cares about the earth and likes to try new things. It's a good choice if you want people to see your brand as caring and forward-thinking.

4. CulinaryCraze

Easy to Remember

CulinaryCraze is a good Instagram username for food brands. It uses two words about cooking that are easy to say and remember.

Fits Food Brands

This name works well for accounts about:

  • Cooking
  • Food
  • Kitchen skills

It quickly tells people what your account is about.

Catches Attention

CulinaryCraze is different from other names. It makes people want to know more about your food account.

Check If It's Free

Before using CulinaryCraze, make sure no one else has it on other social media sites. This keeps your brand the same everywhere.

What to Look At Why It's Good
Easy to Remember Uses simple cooking words
Fits Food Brands Good for cooking and food accounts
Catches Attention Makes people curious
Check If It's Free Look on all social media before using

CulinaryCraze is a good choice for food Instagram accounts. It's easy to remember, fits food topics, and makes people interested in your brand.

5. WanderlustVibes

WanderlustVibes is a good Instagram username for travel accounts. It makes people think of adventure and new places.

Easy to Remember

WanderlustVibes is easy to remember because:

  • It uses two simple words
  • "Wanderlust" is about wanting to travel
  • "Vibes" adds a fun, modern feel

Good for Travel Brands

This username works well for:

  • Travel bloggers
  • People who share trip photos
  • Companies that sell travel stuff

It quickly tells people what your account is about.

Stands Out

WanderlustVibes is different from other travel names. It adds "vibes" to make it more fun and friendly.

Check If It's Free

Before using WanderlustVibes, make sure no one else has it on other social media sites. This keeps your brand the same everywhere.

What to Look At Why It's Good
Easy to Remember Uses two simple words about travel
Fits Travel Brands Good for travel accounts and businesses
Stands Out Adds a fun word to make it different
Check If It's Free Look on all social media before using

WanderlustVibes is a good choice for Instagram accounts about travel. It's easy to remember, fits travel topics, and makes people want to see your photos and stories about trips.

6. TechInnovators

TechInnovators is a good Instagram username for tech accounts. It shows that your brand is about new ideas in technology.

Easy to Remember

TechInnovators is easy to remember because:

  • It uses two simple words
  • "Tech" is about technology
  • "Innovators" means people who make new things

Good for Tech Brands

This username works well for:

  • New tech companies
  • Businesses that make AI, software, or gadgets
  • Brands that want to show they know a lot about tech

Stands Out

TechInnovators is different from other tech names. It puts two words together to make something new.

Check If It's Free

Before using TechInnovators, make sure no one else has it on other social media sites. This keeps your brand the same everywhere.

What to Look At Why It's Good
Easy to Remember Uses two simple words about tech and new ideas
Fits Tech Brands Good for new tech companies and AI or software makers
Stands Out Puts two words together in a new way
Check If It's Free Look on all social media before using

TechInnovators is a good choice for Instagram accounts about new tech ideas. It's easy to remember, fits tech brands, and is different from other names.

7. FashionForwardCo

FashionForwardCo is a good Instagram username for fashion brands. It shows your brand cares about new styles.

Easy to Remember

FashionForwardCo is easy to remember because:

  • It uses simple words
  • "Fashion" is about clothes
  • "ForwardCo" means new and modern

Good for Fashion Brands

This username works well for:

  • Fashion brands that like new styles
  • Businesses that make clothes or beauty items
  • Brands that want young people to like them

Different from Others

FashionForwardCo is not like other fashion names. It puts two words together in a new way.

Check If You Can Use It

Before using FashionForwardCo, check if anyone else is using it on other social media sites. This keeps your brand the same everywhere.

What to Look At Why It's Good
Easy to Remember Uses simple words about fashion and new ideas
Fits Fashion Brands Good for brands that like new styles
Different from Others Puts words together in a new way
Check If It's Free Look on all social media before using

FashionForwardCo is a good choice for Instagram accounts about fashion. It's easy to remember, fits fashion brands, and is different from other names.

8. PopCulturePro

Easy to Remember

PopCulturePro is an Instagram username that's simple to recall. It uses two common words and adds "Pro" at the end, which makes it sound professional.

Fits Pop Culture Brands

This username works well for brands that focus on:

  • Entertainment
  • Music
  • Fashion

It quickly tells people what your account is about.

Stands Out

PopCulturePro is different from other names. It puts words together in a new way that catches people's attention.

Check If It's Free

Before using PopCulturePro, make sure no one else has it on other social media sites. This keeps your brand the same everywhere.

What to Look At Why It's Good
Easy to Remember Uses common words
Fits Pop Culture Brands Good for entertainment, music, or fashion accounts
Stands Out Combines words in a new way
Check If It's Free Look on all social media before using

PopCulturePro is a good choice for Instagram accounts about popular culture. It's easy to remember, fits the right brands, and is different from other names.

9. CitySlickerStyle

Easy to Remember

CitySlickerStyle is an Instagram username that's easy to recall. It uses two common words that stick in your mind.

Fits City Brands

This username works well for accounts about:

  • City life
  • Fashion
  • Fun things to do

It quickly shows what your account is about.

Catches Attention

CitySlickerStyle is different from other names. It puts words together in a new way that makes people look twice.

Check If It's Free

Before using CitySlickerStyle, make sure no one else has it on other social media sites. This keeps your brand the same everywhere.

What to Look At Why It's Good
Easy to Remember Uses common words
Fits City Brands Good for city life, fashion, and fun accounts
Catches Attention Puts words together in a new way
Check If It's Free Look on all social media before using

CitySlickerStyle is a good choice for Instagram accounts about city life, fashion, and fun things to do. It's easy to remember, fits these topics, and stands out from other names.

10. SavvySustainability

Easy to Remember

SavvySustainability is an Instagram username that's easy to recall. It uses two words that go well together and make sense for eco-friendly brands.

Good for Green Brands

This username works well for businesses that care about the environment. It shows right away that your brand focuses on being green and smart about it.

Different from Others

SavvySustainability puts two words together in a new way. This makes it stand out from other usernames.

Check If It's Free

Before using SavvySustainability, make sure no one else has it on other social media sites. This keeps your brand the same everywhere.

What to Look At Why It's Good
Easy to Remember Uses two words that fit well together
Fits Green Brands Shows your brand cares about the environment
Stands Out Combines words in a new way
Check If It's Free Look on all social media before using

SavvySustainability is a good choice for Instagram accounts about being green. It's easy to remember, fits eco-friendly brands, and is different from other names.


Picking a good Instagram username is key for your brand online. We've looked at many ways to make a username that works well. Here's what to remember:

Main points

What to do Why it matters
Pick a name that's easy to remember People can find you quickly
Make sure it fits what you do Shows what your brand is about
Use the same name on all social media Keeps your brand the same everywhere
Check if the name is free to use Avoids problems with other brands

Things to avoid

  • Don't use numbers or underscores unless you need to
  • Stay away from names that are hard to spell
  • Don't pick a name that's too specific if your brand might change

Tips for choosing

  • Try different names to see what works best
  • Ask friends what they think of your name ideas
  • Use the tools we talked about to check if names are free


What are some cool Instagram usernames?

Here are 10 unique Instagram usernames that can help your account stand out:

Username Meaning
@lunarharmony For night sky or space lovers
@quantumquill For writers interested in science
@etherealvibes For dreamy, artistic accounts
@pixelpioneer For digital artists or tech fans
@velvetwhisper For soft, elegant content
@nebulanomad For space-loving travelers
@blissfulbard For happy poets or writers
@mysticmingle For spiritual or mystical content
@cosmiccanvas For space-themed art
@zenithzest For uplifting, positive content

What are good Instagram usernames?

Here are some ideas for making good Instagram usernames:

  1. Mix your name with what you do

    • Example: @LizDoesBiz (for a business account)
  2. Use your business name

    • Example: @MacdonaldsMarket
  3. Combine your name with what you love

    • Example: @EmilyLovesDance
  4. Use words that describe your content

    • Example: @CityExplorer (for travel content)
  5. Add your job or hobby to your name

    • Example: @ChefCharlie

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