Navigating Google AI Image Generator Free: Tips for Non-Technical Users

April 26, 2024

Nitin is the CEO of with 20+ years of experience in the field of marketing and advertising. Previously, he was a partner at McKinsey & Co and MD at Accenture, where he has led 20+ marketing transformations.

Google's AI image generator, particularly ImagenFX and Imagen 2, has made it incredibly simple for anyone to create stunning images from text descriptions. This guide is designed to help non-technical users navigate these tools with ease, transforming ideas into visuals without the need for deep technical know-how or artistic skills. Here's a quick overview of what you'll learn:

  • Understanding Google's AI Image Generator: Dive into what ImagenFX and Imagen 2 are, and how they can turn your text into detailed, realistic images.
  • Key Benefits for Non-Technical Users: Discover the advantages like enhanced creativity, significant cost savings, and the intuitive, user-friendly interface of Google's AI image tools.
  • Practical Applications for Business Owners: Learn how AI image generators can speed up content creation for social media posts, blog thumbnails, and more.
  • Getting Started: A step-by-step guide on how to access and use ImagenFX for generating your first image.
  • Tips for Getting the Best Images: Insights into writing effective descriptions and choosing the right styles and shapes for your images.
  • Addressing Concerns and Safety Measures: Information on the safety features Google has implemented to ensure the AI generates appropriate content.

Whether you're a small business owner, a marketer, or just someone looking to explore the potential of AI in creative design, this guide offers everything you need to get started with Google's free AI image generator tools.

Key Benefits for Non-Technical Users

Google's AI image generator tools like ImagenFX and Imagen 2, which work with Bard, offer a bunch of cool benefits for people who aren't tech-savvy but want to create images from text descriptions:

Enhanced Creativity and Idea Generation

If you're an artist, blogger, business owner, or just someone who loves being creative, ImagenFX is like having a magic wand. You just type what you're thinking, and it shows you a picture of that idea. This means you can try out lots of different visual ideas quickly without needing to know how to draw or design.

Intuitive and User-Friendly Interface

The way you make images with these tools is super straightforward. There's no need to know how to code or mess with complicated settings. It's made to be easy for everyone. Plus, with something called 'expressive chips,' you can make small changes easily.

Significant Cost Savings

Using ImagenFX and Imagen 2 through Google's free stuff can help save a lot of money, especially for businesses, startups, or agencies. You can make all sorts of pictures for your work, like for social media, presentations, or even product images, without spending much at all.

Versatility Across Use Cases

These tools can make all kinds of pictures for different needs. Whether it's for a social media post, a presentation, printed stuff, or even designs for clothes, the AI can handle it. It's flexible in what it can create, which is great for all sorts of projects.

Efficiency and Convenience

Since these tools can turn your words into images really fast, you can make a lot of cool stuff quickly. It's way faster than doing it by hand or hiring someone to make it. Plus, you can make pictures anytime you get a good idea!

Overall, Google's AI tools for making images are a big help for people who aren't tech experts. They make it easy to be creative, save time and money, and tell stories with pictures. Even if you're new to this, you can start making amazing images right away.## Practical Applications for Business Owners

AI image generators like ImagenFX are super helpful for small business owners who need to make pictures for their work fast and without much fuss. Here's how you can use it for different things:

Social Media Posts

Making pictures for social media can take a lot of time. But with ImagenFX, you can quickly get cool pictures just by describing what you want. Say you need a picture for a post about your new Vanilla Latte. Just type something like 'a photo of someone enjoying our new Vanilla Latte' and you'll get a great picture for your post.

Blog Post Thumbnails

Finding new ideas for blog thumbnails can be hard. With AI image generators, you can make unique thumbnails easily. Just tell the AI what your blog post is about, like 'a cozy Sunday morning with a book and coffee', and it'll make a thumbnail that fits.

Presentation Visuals

Adding custom graphics to presentations can impress your clients but making them yourself takes time. Use ImagenFX to quickly create graphics, charts, and more that match what you're talking about.

YouTube Video Thumbnails

Good thumbnails make people want to click on your YouTube videos. But making them can be tough. ImagenFX can help. Describe what your video is about, like 'fixing a chair with tools', and use the image it makes as your thumbnail.

Ebook and Report Covers

Creating covers for your ebooks or reports that look good and match the topic can be a big task. AI image generation lets you make custom covers quickly. Describe what your book or report is about, and use the image for your cover.

Using AI to make images can save you a lot of time and effort, whether it's for social media, blogs, presentations, videos, or ebooks.

Getting Started with Google's AI Image Generator

Signing Up

First, you need a Google account. Here's how to make one if you don't have it yet:

  1. Visit and click on Create Account.
  2. Fill in your details like name, email, and create a password. Agree to the rules.
  3. Confirm your account with an email or phone number.
  4. After setting up, log in at

If you've got a Google account already, just sign in to begin.

Accessing ImagenFX

To get to ImagenFX, you can:

You'll see where to type in what you want your picture to be once you're there.

Generating Your First Image

Here's how to make your first image with ImagenFX:

  • Write down exactly what you want your picture to look like. The more details, the better.
  • Stick to clear, complete ideas.
  • There are options called expressive chips to change how your image looks. Try them out.
  • It might take a couple of tries to get the perfect image. Just tweak your description and try again.

Example to try:

  • Enter: "A cute baby sea otter floating on its back in the ocean, looking happy and eating a clam, digital art"
  • Choose the Vibrant style.
  • Hit Run. ImagenFX will create your picture.
  • Not quite right? Change your words or style and try again.

With a little practice, you'll be creating awesome images with AI in no time!

Tips for Getting the Best Images

How to Write Good Descriptions

When you tell ImagenFX what to make, here's how to get it right:

  • Include lots of details like the place, what's happening, colors, and feelings. The more you describe, the better.
  • Keep it clear and to the point. Say exactly what you want without being too broad or too narrow.
  • Start with the big picture and then add specific details.
  • Use simple words that everyone understands.
  • Mention if you want a picture, drawing, or cartoon.
  • Tell it if you prefer a wide (landscape), tall (portrait), or square picture.
  • It's okay to ask for a few different ideas to see what looks best.

An example of a good description: "A happy dog playing in a sunny park, digital art"

An example of a not-so-good description: "A nice photo"

Spending a bit of time on your description can really help the AI understand what you're looking for.

Picking Styles and Shapes

ImagenFX lets you choose from different looks and shapes for your images:

Photos that look real are great for showing off products or nature scenes. They fit well in both online and print materials.

Art styles like paintings or cartoons add a fun, creative touch. They're perfect for posts on social media.

Wide (landscape) pictures are good for scenes or backgrounds, like website headers or video thumbnails.

Tall (portrait) pictures work well for pictures of people or products, especially on social media stories or ads.

Square pictures are handy for profile pics, app icons, or book covers.

Try out different styles and shapes to see what fits your project best. Real-looking photos in a wide shape are usually a safe bet for ads.

Using Creative Features

ImagenFX has special settings called "expressive chips" that let you tweak your image:

  • Vibrant makes the colors pop.
  • Detailed makes everything look sharper and clearer.
  • Moody gives a darker, more serious vibe.
  • Happy makes the picture brighter and cheerier.
  • Peaceful creates a calm and soothing look.

You can also adjust things like:

  • Color intensity
  • Light and shadows
  • Sharpness

Feel free to mix and match these settings until you get the image just how you want it, making sure it matches the look you're going for.


Addressing Concerns and Safety Measures

Google is serious about making sure its AI image-making tools like Imagen 2 are safe and don't create anything bad like violent or inappropriate pictures. They've put a lot of work into making sure these tools are safe for everyone to use.

Keeping Out Bad Stuff

Imagen 2 is designed to avoid making any images that are violent, offensive, or not okay for all audiences. It's got built-in checks to stop it from creating anything that's not suitable. This means you can use it without worrying about accidentally making something you didn't intend to.

Google also did a bunch of tests called "red teaming" to find and fix any ways the tool might make problematic images. This means they're really focused on keeping things safe.

Hidden Watermarks with SynthID

Every picture made with Google's AI, including those from ImagenFX or Bard, gets a secret watermark that's really hard to see. This watermark, called SynthID, helps people tell if an image was made by AI.

If you're ever curious about whether an image was made by AI, you can look for an option called "About this image" to see if it has a SynthID watermark. This is a smart way to make sure images are used right and to know where they came from.

Making Safety Better All the Time

As the technology for making images with AI gets better, Google promises to keep working on making it safer. They're always finding new ways to make sure the images you create are safe and responsible.

Google wants you to feel confident when you're making images with their tools. They've put a lot of effort into making sure their AI is trustworthy and doesn't create problems.

By focusing on safety from the start and adding features like SynthID watermarks, Google makes sure you can enjoy creating with AI without worrying about the risks.

Using AI to Make Better Ads for Your Business

Using AI to create images is a game-changer for small businesses looking to spice up their ads on Google, social media, and their own websites. Here's why it's such a big deal:

Make Ads That Speak to Your Customers

With AI, you can quickly make lots of different images that show off what's special about your products or services. For instance, if you run a bakery, you can make images of your newest cupcake flavors and use them in Facebook ads that target people living nearby.

Grab People's Attention

Ads with cool, high-quality images make people want to learn more. Whether it's pictures of your products, fun lifestyle scenes, or eye-catching designs, AI can help make your ads stand out.

Fit Any Ad Space Perfectly

AI lets you make images in all sorts of sizes and styles. This means you can easily make visuals that work great for different ad spots, like Instagram stories or Google ads.

Save Time and Money

Making a bunch of custom images usually takes a lot of time or money. With AI, you can create these images in just a few minutes, which saves you both.

Try Out Different Looks

AI makes it easy to play around with different image styles and find out what works best for your ads. You can quickly see which images get the best response and use more like them.

Keep Your Brand Looking Good

Even as you make lots of different images, AI can help make sure they all match your brand's style. This keeps everything looking smooth and professional.

How to Make the Most of AI for Your Ads

Here are some simple ways to get great results from AI image creation:

  • Be Clear with Your Descriptions - The better you describe what you want, the better the images you'll get. Include details like colors, mood, and what should be in the picture.
  • Experiment with Styles - Try out different looks, like realistic photos or cartoons, to see what fits your ads best.
  • Make Images Just Right for Each Platform - Change up your images so they're perfect for places like Google, Facebook, and Instagram.
  • Use Your Brand's Style - Tell the AI about your brand's look and feel to keep your images on point.
  • Check the Images - Look over the images AI makes and pick the best ones for your ads.
  • Keep Getting Better - Keep tweaking your descriptions and saving the images that work well. This helps the AI learn and get better over time.

By using AI smartly, you can really make your business's ads pop, connect better with your audience, and save on costs.


Google's tools like ImagenFX and Imagen 2 are really helpful for people who don't know much about tech but want to make cool pictures. You just need to tell the tool what you want, and it'll make it for you. Sometimes you might need to try a few times to get it just right, but you don't need to be a designer or coder to do it.

Here's a quick summary of why these tools are great for business owners and marketers:

Work Faster and Do More

You can make lots of custom pictures for your brand or ads quickly, which means you can get more done without needing extra help.

Save Money

You don't have to spend money on hiring designers or buying photos online when you can make what you need with AI.

Get People Interested

With unique pictures, you can grab people's attention and get them interested in what you're selling or saying.

Be More Creative

You can try out all sorts of new ideas and see what works best, which can help you come up with even better ideas.

Easy for Everyone

Anyone can start making great-looking pictures, no matter if they know about design or not. This makes it easier for more people to create something cool.

As these tools keep getting better, it's a good idea to check them out from time to time to see what's new. Using AI to make pictures can be a big help for small businesses looking to make their brand stand out and connect with customers in a new way.

Is there a free AI image generator without restrictions?

Yes, you can find some free AI image generators that don't have limits, like:

  • Gcore AI Image Generator: Totally free. Just sign up for a Gcore Cloud account to start.
  • Nightcafe Creator: The free plan lets you make 4 images each day without needing your credit card.
  • StarryAI: With the free version, you can create up to 2 images daily.
  • GLAMP: This online tool lets you make images for free, no limits.

While many free services have some kind of limit, options like Gcore offer unlimited use. Just remember each tool has its own set of rules.

How do I use Google AI image generator?

To use Google's AI image generator, follow these steps:

  • Go to Google Slides and pick the slide where you want your image.
  • Click on "Insert image" then "Generate image with AI" in the right panel.
  • Describe the image you want in the text box. The more details, the better.
  • You can pick a style if you want by clicking "Add a style".
  • Hit "Create". Google's AI will show you some image options.
  • Choose the one you like and add it to your slide.
  • If you want different options, just change your description and try again.

How to use AI image generators effectively?

Here's how to get the most out of AI image generators:

  • Be specific in your descriptions, mentioning things like size, style, and colors.
  • Keep tweaking your request until you're happy with the results.
  • Make sure you've got the right size and quality for what you need.
  • Stick to a consistent style for a unified look.
  • Don't make more images than you can check out properly.
  • Get rid of any images you don't like.
  • Save the best ones for future reference.

How to use AI image generator for free?

Here's a simple way to make AI images for free:

  • Visit and open the photo editor.
  • Look for the "AI Image Generator" tool and type in what you want.
  • Press enter to see the AI create your image.
  • If you want, you can use Picsart's tools to tweak the image more.
  • Download your new AI-created image.

Picsart lets you use its AI image generator for free for personal stuff, and you don't even need to sign up. So, you can make images without any cost or hassle.

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