Ultimate Guide to youtube subscribers 1000: Best Tools and Resources

July 18, 2024

Nitin is the CEO of quickads.ai with 20+ years of experience in the field of marketing and advertising. Previously, he was a partner at McKinsey & Co and MD at Accenture, where he has led 20+ marketing transformations.

This guide covers everything you need to know about reaching 1000 YouTube subscribers:

  • Why 1000 subscribers matters
  • How to grow your subscriber base
  • Top tools and resources to help you succeed

Key requirements for YouTube Partner Program:

Requirement Amount
Subscribers 1000
Watch hours (last 12 months) 4000

Top strategies to gain subscribers:

  • Post content regularly
  • Find your niche
  • Collaborate with other creators
  • Use YouTube Shorts

Essential tools for growth:

Tool Purpose
YouTube Studio Analytics and channel management
VidIQ SEO optimization
TubeBuddy Keyword research and video optimization
Canva Thumbnail creation

Avoid common mistakes like buying fake subscribers or neglecting video quality. Track your progress, set achievable goals, and adjust your strategy based on viewer feedback. With consistent effort and the right approach, you can reach 1000 subscribers and grow a successful YouTube channel.

What 1000 YouTube Subscribers Means

Getting 1000 YouTube subscribers is a big step for creators. It shows that people like your videos and trust your channel. It also opens up new ways to grow your channel and make money.

YouTube Partner Program Rules

YouTube Partner Program

To join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) and make money from your videos, you need:

Requirement Amount
Subscribers 1000
Watch hours (last 12 months) 4000

These rules help make sure creators make good videos that people want to watch.

Perks of 1000 Subscribers

When you get 1000 subscribers, you can:

Perk Description
Make money Turn on ads and earn from your videos
Use Community tab Post updates and talk to your viewers
Look more trustworthy More people will want to work with you

These perks can help you grow your channel even more and reach new viewers.

Ways to Grow Your Subscribers

Here are some good ways to get more YouTube subscribers:

Regular Content Posting

Post new videos often. Try to upload at the same time each week. This helps viewers know when to expect new content from you.

Finding Your Niche

Pick a specific topic for your channel. This could be a hobby or job you know a lot about. Making videos about one topic can help you find viewers who like that subject.

Working with Other Creators

Make videos with other YouTubers. This can help you meet new viewers who might like your channel. Look for creators who make similar videos to yours.

Using YouTube Shorts

Make short videos called YouTube Shorts. These can be quick tips or sneak peeks of longer videos. Shorts can help more people find your channel.

Way to Grow How It Helps
Regular posting Keeps viewers coming back
Finding a niche Attracts viewers interested in your topic
Collaborations Introduces you to new audiences
YouTube Shorts Increases visibility on the platform

Useful Tools for Subscriber Growth

To get more YouTube subscribers, you need good plans and the right tools. Here are some tools that can help you reach 1000 subscribers:

YouTube Studio

YouTube Studio

YouTube Studio helps you understand your viewers and make your videos better. With it, you can:

Feature What it does
See top videos Find out which videos do well
Check viewer info Learn about who watches your videos
Change channel look Make your channel look nice
Talk to viewers Reply to comments and post updates



VidIQ helps you make your videos easier to find. It lets you:

Feature What it does
Check video performance See how well your videos are doing
Find good keywords Pick words that help people find your videos
Look at other channels See what other YouTubers are doing



TubeBuddy is a tool you add to your web browser. It helps you:

Feature What it does
Make better titles and tags Help more people find your videos
Manage comments Reply to viewers more easily
See quick stats Check how your channel is doing



Canva helps you make nice pictures for your videos. You can:

  • Choose from many ready-made designs
  • Make your own custom images
  • Create eye-catching thumbnails

Video Editing Software

Good video editing tools help make your videos look better. Some options are:

These let you cut your videos, add effects, and make them look more professional.

Keyword Research Tools

These tools help you find words people use to search for videos like yours. Some options are:

Using these tools can help more people find your videos when they search on YouTube.

Making Your Channel More Attractive

To get more subscribers, you need to make your YouTube channel look good. Here are some tips:

Channel Branding Tips

Make your channel look the same everywhere. Use the same:

  • Pictures
  • Colors
  • Words

This helps people know it's you. Make sure your YouTube channel matches your other social media.

Branding Element Why It's Important
Logo People remember it
Colors Makes your channel stand out
Words you use Helps people know what you're about

Making Good Channel Trailers

A good channel trailer helps get new subscribers. Here's what to do:

  • Start strong in the first few seconds
  • Use short scenes
  • Add text and music
  • Make it work without sound (for people watching on phones)
Trailer Element Purpose
Short scenes Grab attention quickly
Text Tell your story visually
Music Set the mood

Organizing Playlists

Playlists help people find your videos. They make your channel look neat. For example, if you make cooking videos, you could have playlists for:

  • Breakfast recipes
  • Lunch ideas
  • Dinner meals
Playlist Benefit How It Helps
Easy to find videos People watch more
Looks organized Makes your channel seem better
Groups similar content Helps viewers find what they like

Content Ideas to Reach 1000 Subscribers

Here are some ways to make videos that help you get more subscribers:

Long-Lasting Content

Make videos that people will want to watch for a long time. These videos keep getting views even after you first post them. This helps you grow your channel. To make long-lasting content:

  • Pick topics that stay useful over time
  • Make good videos that teach people things
  • Use words in your title and description that help people find your video

Creating Content Series

Make a set of videos about the same topic. This can make people come back to watch more. A content series can:

  • Make people excited for your next video
  • Get people to watch many of your videos at once
  • Show that you know a lot about a topic

Using Current Topics

Make videos about things people are talking about now. This can help you get new subscribers quickly. To use current topics:

  • Find things people are interested in right now
  • Make good videos that teach people about these topics
  • Use words in your title and description that help people find your video
Content Type How It Helps
Long-lasting Keeps getting views over time
Series Makes people come back for more
Current topics Gets attention quickly

Using YouTube Features for Growth

YouTube has tools that can help you get more subscribers. Let's look at three key features: community posts, end screens and cards, and live streaming.

Community Posts

Community posts help you talk to your viewers. You can:

What to do Why it helps
Share updates about your channel Keeps viewers interested
Ask for feedback Makes viewers feel involved
Create polls Helps you know what viewers want
Offer special deals Makes viewers feel special

End Screens and Cards

End screens and cards help viewers find more of your content. They can:

Feature What it does
Show other videos Gets more views
Ask for subscriptions Grows your channel
Link to your website Brings traffic to your site

To use end screens and cards well:

  • Put them near the end of your videos
  • Use clear pictures and words
  • Link to videos that fit the topic
  • Try different types of cards

Live Streaming

Live streaming lets you talk to viewers in real-time. It can:

Benefit How it helps
Let you answer comments right away Makes viewers feel heard
Show behind-the-scenes content Makes your channel more personal
Let you do Q&A sessions Helps viewers know you better
Increase watch time Helps your channel grow

To make good live streams:

  • Tell people about your stream before you do it
  • Talk to viewers during the stream
  • Use good equipment
  • Ask viewers to subscribe and turn on alerts

Mistakes to Avoid

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when growing your YouTube channel:

Buying Fake Subscribers

Don't buy fake subscribers. It's a bad idea because:

Problem Result
YouTube can punish you Your channel might get in trouble
Fake subscribers don't watch Your videos won't get more views
Real people might not find you YouTube won't show your videos as much

Focusing on Quantity over Quality

Don't make too many low-quality videos. Instead:

  • Make fewer, better videos
  • Take time to plan and edit well
  • Give viewers good information

Irregular Posting

Don't post videos at random times. This can:

  • Make viewers forget about you
  • Slow down your channel's growth

To fix this:

  1. Pick days to post videos
  2. Tell viewers when to expect new videos
  3. Stick to your schedule

Examples of Channels Reaching 1000 Subscribers

Let's look at some small channels that got 1000 subscribers and what we can learn from them.

Looking at Successful Small Channels

Here are two channels that reached 1000 subscribers:

Channel Name Type of Content Growth Rate
Jyotish Vidhi Cricket commentary 5120 subscribers
Thirstbang Funny eating videos 9820 subscribers

Lessons from Growth Strategies

These channels show us some good ways to grow:

Strategy Why It Works
Post often Keeps viewers coming back
Focus on one topic Helps find viewers who like that topic
Make good videos Makes people want to watch more

Tracking Progress and Changing Plans

To reach 1,000 YouTube subscribers, you need to keep an eye on how your channel is doing and change your plans when needed. Here's how:

Setting Achievable Goals

Make goals you can reach. Break big goals into smaller ones. Check how you're doing often. For example:

Instead of Try
"Get more subscribers" "Get 500 subscribers in 60 days"

This helps you stay focused and motivated.

Looking at Different Numbers

Don't just look at subscriber count. Check other numbers too:

Number to Check What It Tells You
Watch time How long people watch your videos
Engagement How much people like and comment
Retention How much of your videos people watch

These numbers help you see what's working and what's not.

Changing Content Based on What Viewers Say

Listen to what your viewers tell you:

  • Answer comments and questions
  • Make videos about topics viewers ask for
  • Change your videos based on what people like

This helps you make videos people want to watch, which can get you more subscribers.

What to Do Why It Helps
Read comments Learn what viewers want
Make requested videos Show you listen to viewers
Adjust your style Keep viewers watching


Great job on making it this far! You now have a full guide to help you grow your YouTube channel and get 1000 subscribers. Remember, doing well on YouTube takes time and hard work. You need to:

  • Make good videos often
  • Know what your channel is about
  • Work with other YouTubers
  • Talk to your viewers
  • Use YouTube's tools like community posts and end screens
  • Check how you're doing and change your plans if needed
  • Avoid mistakes like buying fake subscribers or making too many low-quality videos

Here's a quick look at what to do and why it helps:

What to Do Why It Helps
Post good videos regularly Keeps viewers coming back
Find your niche Attracts viewers who like your topic
Work with other creators Helps you meet new viewers
Use YouTube features Makes your channel more engaging
Track your progress Helps you see what's working
Avoid common mistakes Keeps your channel growing the right way

If you follow these tips and keep at it, you can increase your chances of getting 1000 subscribers and growing a good YouTube channel. Don't worry if things go slow or if you have setbacks – every big YouTuber started where you are now.

Keep making videos and remember why you started. Good luck with your YouTube channel!


What happens when you reach 1,000 subscribers on YouTube?

When you get 1,000 subscribers, you can join the YouTube Partner Program if you also have:

Requirement Amount
Watch time in last 365 days 4,000 hours
Shorts views in last 90 days 10 million

This lets you make money from ads and fan support.

How do you get paid on YouTube without 1,000 subscribers?

You can make money with fewer subscribers:

Requirement Amount
Subscribers 500
Videos in last 90 days 3
Watch hours in last 90 days 3,000
Shorts views in last 90 days 3 million

This lets you use fan-funding tools like Super Chats and Channel Memberships.

Can I make money from YouTube Shorts without 1,000 subscribers?

You need 1,000 subscribers to earn ad money from Shorts. But you can:

  • Use fan-funding tools with 500 subscribers
  • Earn from affiliate marketing
  • Sell products
  • Find other ways to make money

How do you livestream on YouTube without 1,000 subscribers?

Go live from a computer. You only need 1,000 subscribers to livestream from a phone.

Does YouTube pay for 1,000 subscribers?

You can start making money when you have:

  • 1,000 subscribers
  • 4,000 watch hours

How to get more YouTube subscribers for free?

Try these tips:

Tip How it helps
Add a Subscribe button to videos Makes it easy for viewers to subscribe
Show sneak peeks of new videos Gets viewers excited for more
Build a community Keeps viewers coming back
Put subscription links in descriptions Reminds viewers to subscribe
Make a video series Gives viewers a reason to keep watching
Create a channel trailer Tells new viewers what your channel is about
Use consistent thumbnails Makes your channel look professional

How much do YouTubers with 1,000 subscribers earn?

On average, YouTubers with 1,000 subscribers earn about $12 per month. But this can change a lot. Some make more, some make less.

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