youtube banner size,YouTube Banner Size: Crafting Visually Appealing Channel Branding

July 19, 2024

Nitin is the CEO of with 20+ years of experience in the field of marketing and advertising. Previously, he was a partner at McKinsey & Co and MD at Accenture, where he has led 20+ marketing transformations.

Here's what you need to know about YouTube banner sizes and design:

  • Ideal size: 2560 x 1440 pixels
  • Safe area: 1546 x 423 pixels (for important content)
  • File size limit: 6MB

Key tips for creating an effective YouTube banner:

  1. Use high-quality images
  2. Keep design simple and focused
  3. Include your logo and channel name
  4. Ensure text is readable on all devices
  5. Match your brand's colors and style
  6. Test on different screen sizes before uploading
Aspect Details
Best size 2560 x 1440 px
Minimum size 2048 x 1152 px
Safe area 1546 x 423 px
File types JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP
Max file size 6MB

This guide covers banner size requirements, design tips, common mistakes to avoid, and how to upload and optimize your YouTube channel banner.

YouTube Banner Size Requirements

Ideal Banner Size

To make your YouTube banner look good on all devices, use these sizes:

Aspect Size (pixels)
Ideal size 2560 x 1440
Minimum size 2048 x 1152
Maximum size 2560 x 423

Using the ideal size helps your banner look clear on computers and phones.

Safe Area

The safe area is where your main content should go. It's the part of your banner that shows up on all devices.

Safe Area Size (pixels)
Width x Height 1546 x 423

Put your logo and text in this safe area. This way, people can see them no matter what device they use.

Tips for Making Your Banner

  1. Use the ideal size (2560 x 1440 pixels) for the best look
  2. Keep important stuff in the safe area
  3. Check how your banner looks on different devices

Getting Ready to Make Your Banner

Before you start designing, make sure you have the right tools and know what your channel is about.

Tools and Resources

To make a good YouTube banner, you'll need a design tool. Here are some popular ones:

Free Tools Paid Tools
Canva Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator)
Fotor Design Wizard
Snappa Adobe Spark

You can also find free pictures on websites like Unsplash, Pexels, or Pixabay. These sites have many high-quality images you can use.

Know Your Channel

Think about what makes your channel special before you start designing. Ask yourself:

  • What colors and fonts do you use?
  • Do you want to look fun, serious, or inspiring?
  • What makes your channel different from others?

Knowing these things will help you make a banner that fits your channel and appeals to your viewers.

How to Create a YouTube Banner

Plan Your Design

Before you start making your banner:

  • Draw some rough ideas
  • Pick colors that match your brand
  • Choose fonts that fit your channel's style
  • Think about what you want to tell viewers
  • Decide what to put in your banner

Set Up Your Canvas

  1. Open your design software
  2. Make a new document with these sizes:
    • Full size: 2560 x 1440 pixels
    • Safe area: 1546 x 423 pixels
  3. Use guides to help you place things in the right spots

Design Your Banner

Now, start making your banner:

  • Add a background
  • Put in your logo and tagline
  • Add text and pictures
  • Make sure everything is easy to see and read
  • Keep it simple and neat


  • Use a plain background with text on top
  • Don't add too many things

Check How It Looks on Different Devices

Your banner will show up on computers, phones, and tablets. Make sure it looks good on all of them:

  • Look at your design on different screens
  • Change things if they don't look right

Save Your Banner

When you're done:

  1. Save your banner as a JPG, GIF, BMP, or PNG file
  2. Keep the file size under 6MB
  3. Pick the right file type to make it load fast
File Type Best For
JPG Photos
PNG Graphics with text
GIF Simple animations
BMP High-quality images

Tips for Good YouTube Banner Design

Keep It Simple

When making your YouTube banner:

  • Focus on one main thing, like your logo or slogan
  • Use empty space to make important parts stand out
  • Don't add too many pictures, words, or colors
  • Make it easy to understand quickly

Match Your Brand

Make sure your banner looks like the rest of your brand:

  • Use your brand's colors
  • Pick fonts that match your other materials
  • Add your logo or something people know from your brand
  • Write in a way that sounds like your brand

This helps people know it's your channel right away.

Use Clear Pictures

Good pictures are important for a professional banner:

  • Use big pictures (at least 2560 x 1440 pixels)
  • Don't use blurry or small pictures
  • Avoid pictures that look fuzzy when they're big

Mix Words and Pictures Well

Here's how to use words and pictures together:

Do This Don't Do This
Use few words Write too much
Make sure words are easy to read Use colors that make words hard to see
Put words where they won't get cut off Place words where they might disappear on some screens
Choose pictures that go well with your words Use pictures that fight with your words for attention

Mistakes to Avoid

When making a YouTube banner, watch out for these common errors:

Too Much Stuff

Don't put too many things in your banner. It can make it hard to look at. Instead:

  • Focus on one or two main things
  • Keep it simple and easy to understand

Not Using Safe Areas

Put important things like logos and text in the safe areas. If you don't:

  • Parts of your banner might get cut off
  • People might not see important information

Blurry Pictures

Don't use low-quality or fuzzy images. They can make your banner look bad. Always use:

  • Clear, sharp images
  • High-quality pictures that look good on all screens

Forgetting About Phones

Many people watch YouTube on their phones. Make sure your banner looks good on small screens:

Do This Don't Do This
Make text big enough to read Use tiny text
Use simple designs Add too many details
Test how it looks on phones Ignore how it looks on small screens

Uploading and Checking Your Banner

How to Upload Your Banner

Here's how to put your banner on YouTube:

On a computer:

  1. Log in to YouTube
  2. Go to YouTube Studio
  3. Click "Customization" on the left
  4. Click "Branding" then "Banner image"
  5. Click "Change" or "Upload"
  6. Pick your banner file
  7. Adjust the crop if needed
  8. Click "Publish" to save

On a phone:

  1. Open the YouTube app
  2. Tap your profile picture
  3. Tap "Your channel"
  4. Tap "Edit channel"
  5. Tap your banner image
  6. Upload a picture or take a new one
  7. Tap "Save"

Check on Different Devices

Before you finish, look at how your banner looks on:

  • Computers
  • TVs
  • Tablets
  • Phones

YouTube shows you these views. This helps you make sure your banner looks good everywhere.

Make Changes if Needed

If your banner doesn't look right:

  1. Change how it's cropped
  2. Move it around
  3. Fix the design


  • Keep it simple
  • Use your brand's style
  • Use clear pictures

Fixing Common Problems

When you make and upload a YouTube banner, you might run into some issues. Here's how to fix them:

Fixing Cropping Issues

Sometimes parts of your banner get cut off on different devices. To avoid this:

  • Design your banner with a safe area (1546 x 423 pixels) in the middle
  • Put important things like text and logos in this safe area
  • Use the right size: 2560 x 1440 pixels

If your banner still gets cut off:

  1. Try changing the crop settings when you upload it
  2. Resize your banner to fit YouTube's size rules

Improving Image Quality

Fuzzy or low-quality images can make your banner look bad. To make it look better:

Do This Don't Do This
Use high-quality images (at least 2048 x 1152 pixels) Use small or blurry images
Make your file smaller without losing quality Use very large files that load slowly
Test how it looks on different screens Assume it looks good on all devices

Making Sure Everything Shows

To help people see all the important parts of your banner:

  • Keep your design simple and easy to read
  • Use the same fonts and colors throughout
  • Make text and logos big enough to see on small screens
  • Check how it looks on phones, tablets, and computers

Remember: A good banner looks clear and neat on all devices.


Key Takeaways

Making a good YouTube banner means paying attention to details, using your brand's style, and following YouTube's rules. By using the tips in this guide, you can make a banner that shows what your channel is about and catches people's attention. Remember these main points:

Do This Don't Do This
Keep it simple Add too many things
Use your brand's colors and style Make it look different from your channel
Use clear, big pictures Use small or blurry images
Make sure it looks good on all devices Ignore how it looks on phones or computers

Keep Making Your Banner Better

A good YouTube banner isn't something you make once and forget. It's something you can always make better. Here's how:

  • Look at your banner often and think about how to make it better
  • Try new layouts and designs
  • Ask your viewers what they think
  • Keep up with new design ideas
  • Keep working on it to make your banner stand out


What size is a YouTube banner in 2024?

In 2024, use these sizes for your YouTube banner:

Type Size (pixels)
Best size 2560 x 1440
Smallest allowed 2048 x 1152
File size limit 6MB

What is the perfect size for a YouTube banner?

The best size for a YouTube banner is 2560 x 1440 pixels. This size makes your banner look good on all screens.

What size is the YouTube banner 2024?

For 2024, YouTube says to use these sizes:

Area Size (pixels)
Best size 2560 x 1440
Smallest size 2048 x 1152
Safe area for text and logos 1235 x 338

How do I make my YouTube banner look good?

To make your YouTube banner look good:

  1. Use the 2560 x 1440 pixel size
  2. Make sure it looks good on computers, phones, and TVs
  3. Put important things in the safe area
  4. Use clear pictures and easy-to-read text

How to make a YouTube banner not blurry?

To keep your YouTube banner clear:

  1. Use big pictures (at least 2560 x 1440 pixels)
  2. Save files as PNGs or JPGs
  3. Don't make the file too small
  4. Look at how it looks on different screens before you post it

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