Zapier OpenAI for Non-Technical Users

Learn how to automate tasks easily with Zapier and OpenAI, even if you're not a tech expert. Discover practical ways to use AI for business and streamline your workflow.
Written by
Nitin Mahajan
Published on
17 January 2022

Zapier and OpenAI have teamed up to create a powerful tool designed for non-technical users, making it simpler to automate tasks without needing to write code. Here's what you need to know:

  • Zapier simplifies the automation of tasks by connecting different online tools and services.
  • OpenAI offers advanced AI capabilities like text generation (GPT-3), image creation (DALL-E), and audio transcription (Whisper).
  • Together, they allow you to automate a wide range of tasks such as creating social media posts, designing images, summarizing customer feedback, and setting up automated customer service bots.

This guide provides an easy-to-understand overview of how to use Zapier and OpenAI together, including:

  • A brief introduction to Zapier and OpenAI.
  • Practical ways to use their integration for automating business tasks.
  • Step-by-step instructions on setting up your accounts and creating automations.
  • Tips for overcoming common challenges like usage limits and authentication issues.

Whether you're running a small business or just looking to streamline your workflow, this guide will help you leverage the power of AI for automation, even if you're not a tech expert.

Brief Overview of Zapier and OpenAI

Zapier is a tool that lets you connect different apps and services together so they can work automatically. It's great for people who don't know how to code. OpenAI makes smart AI that can write like a human or create pictures, with things like GPT-3 for writing and DALL-E for images.

The Growing Need for Automation

More and more, small businesses and folks who aren't tech experts want to use automation to get more done and grow their businesses. But, many don't know how to make their different online tools talk to each other. This is where Zapier's simple setup and OpenAI's smart AI come in handy.

How Zapier and OpenAI Can Help

By linking Zapier with OpenAI, even if you're not a tech whiz, you can do cool things like:

  • Make ad pictures automatically with DALL-E
  • Have GPT-3 write your marketing emails and social media stuff
  • Quickly get the gist of what customers are saying in support tickets and emails
  • Change voice recordings into written words
  • Set up a chatbot that can answer simple questions from customers

This setup makes it easier for non-techy business owners to use AI for business, automate tasks without coding, and build their own Zapier workflows. It's all about making tech work for you, so you can focus on growing your business.

Understanding the Basics

What is Zapier?

Zapier is a tool that lets you connect different online services together so they can do tasks automatically. Think of it as a bridge that lets your favorite apps talk to each other without you having to do the work. For example, you can have emails from your website automatically create tasks in a project management tool, or have your sales leads added to a spreadsheet without lifting a finger.

Zapier makes it easy to set up these connections, called "Zaps", with just a few clicks. You don't need to know how to program or deal with complicated setups. It's all about making your apps work together to save you time.

Overview of OpenAI (GPT-3, DALL-E, Whisper)

OpenAI is a company that's all about making smart computer programs. They've made some really cool ones like:

  • GPT-3: This can write text that sounds like a human wrote it. It can create articles, answer questions, and even chat.
  • DALL-E: This one makes pictures from words. You tell it what you want to see, and it draws it for you.
  • Whisper: This tool listens to spoken words and writes them down, like a super-fast typist.

These tools are like having a robot helper that can write, draw, or transcribe for you.

How Zapier and OpenAI Work Together

Zapier lets you use these OpenAI tools with other apps you love, all without needing to know how to code. You can set up Zaps that do things like:

  • Summarize your project tasks and save them in a note-taking app
  • Create pictures for your online store products from just text descriptions
  • Turn a recorded meeting into written notes and save them where you need them

This way, you get the power of OpenAI's smart tools in an easy-to-use form, making it simpler for anyone to automate tasks without needing to be a tech expert.

Setting Up Your Accounts

Creating a Zapier Account

To start with Zapier, head to their website ( and click on "Sign Up Free". You'll need to put in your email and make up a password. There's a free plan that lets you link up two apps and make up to 5 Zaps, which is pretty good for trying things out.

Once you're in, Zapier will show you how to make your first Zap. This is a nice way to learn the ropes.

Here are the basics:

  • Zaps are what you set up to make your apps do things automatically. For example, you can have new Tweets turn into tasks in Asana automatically.
  • You need to connect your apps to Zapier before making Zaps with them. The starting tutorial will help with this.
  • You can link lots of popular apps to Zapier, like Gmail, Slack, Trello, and others.

Now that you have a Zapier account, you're all set to get OpenAI connected.

Integrating OpenAI with Zapier

To get OpenAI working with Zapier, you need your OpenAI API key first. This lets the two services talk to each other safely.

Here's how to get your OpenAI API key:

  • Visit and sign in or sign up
  • Click on your profile picture, then on View API keys
  • Copy the Secret key

You should also write down your OpenAI Organization ID from this page.

Now, go back to Zapier and look for the OpenAI app. Click Add and enter your details when asked.

And that's it! You've now linked OpenAI to Zapier.

A few things to keep in mind with OpenAI:

  • There are limits on how much you can use it, so try to use it for really important tasks
  • Keep an eye on any errors that might pop up because you've used it too much
  • If you keep hitting these limits, think about getting a better plan from OpenAI

With everything set up, you can start creating Zaps that use AI to help you out!## Key OpenAI Features on Zapier

Analyze Text Sentiment

This tool helps you figure out if the words in emails, reviews, or posts are mostly happy, sad, or somewhere in between. It's great for understanding how people feel about your service or products.

Create Translation

With this feature, you can change text from one language to another out of more than 100 options. This is super helpful for talking to customers from all over the world.

Generate Image With DALL·E

DALL·E can turn your words into pictures. Need a picture for your product or a design for your social media? Just describe what you want, and it makes it for you.

Summarize Text

If you have a long article or a bunch of text, this tool makes it shorter and easier to read. It keeps the main points, so you get the gist without reading everything.

Create Transcription With Whisper

Whisper can listen to speech and write it down, like taking notes from a meeting or turning a voice message into text. It's really accurate and can handle lots of talking.

Using Zapier's OpenAI Automation Templates

Zapier has some ready-to-use setups that help you quickly start using AI for your work. These setups, or templates, do all the heavy lifting for you, so you can use AI right away without having to figure out how to set everything up yourself.

Create Email Copy From New Gmail Emails

This setup keeps an eye on your Gmail. When you get new emails, it uses OpenAI to write a draft reply for you. This draft is saved in your Gmail, so you can check it and send it off when you're ready.

Get an AI-Generated Daily Digest in Slack

Don't let your inbox overload you. This setup asks OpenAI to summarize your new Gmail emails every day. Then, it sends these summaries to a Slack channel. This way, you save time and keep everyone updated without drowning in emails.

Create Article Summaries from Chrome

When you're online, use this setup to get quick summaries of articles. Just highlight text on a webpage, and the Zapier browser extension sends it to OpenAI. In no time, you get a short summary right in your browser.

Transcribe Audio Files with Whisper

Put your audio files in Dropbox, and this setup automatically uses OpenAI's Whisper to write out what's said in those files. The written transcripts are saved in Dropbox, right where you put the audio files, making them easy to find.

With Zapier doing the routine work, you can leverage OpenAI's AI to make tasks simpler and save you time. Look through 200+ templates to find the right automation for what you need.

Practical Applications for Non-Technical Users

Here are some real-world examples of how you can use Zapier and OpenAI together to make your work easier, even if you're not a tech expert.

Automating Business Communications

Let's say you get a customer email in Gmail. You can have a setup where Zapier sees this email and asks OpenAI to write a reply for you.

This reply will say hello, answer any questions the customer had, and say goodbye. Then, Zapier puts this reply in your Gmail as a new message. You just need to check it and hit send.

This way, you don't have to write every email from scratch and your customers get quick, thoughtful answers.

Enhancing Marketing Efforts

Imagine you want to write blog posts faster. You can set up Zapier to take interesting articles from an RSS feed, and then use OpenAI to summarize these articles.

Next, Zapier takes these summaries and makes draft blog posts in WordPress for you. You can add more to them, like pictures or quotes, to finish them up.

This helps you get the base of a blog post ready quickly, without having to write it all by yourself.

Streamlining Project Management

Here's how you can make managing projects easier. Connect your Google Sheets where you list tasks to Trello through Zapier. When you add a new task in Sheets, Zapier sends it to OpenAI.

OpenAI adds more details to your task, like tips or examples, to make it clearer. Then, these detailed tasks go into your Trello board.

This means you get well-explained tasks without having to spend a lot of time writing them out. Your projects can move forward smoothly with less work from you.


Customizing Your Automations

Using the Zapier Builder

The Zapier builder is a tool that helps you make your own automations easily. Here’s how to use it step by step:

  • First, go to "My Zaps" and click "New Zap" in your Zapier dashboard.
  • Look up and pick the app you want to work with OpenAI, like Gmail or Slack.
  • Choose what starts your automation. This could be receiving a new email or a new document.
  • Next, find and add OpenAI as a step. Choose the AI feature you need.
  • Set up the OpenAI step by telling it what you want it to do with the information from the first app.
  • Test to make sure your automation does what you want, then turn your Zap on.

This builder lets you control how your apps talk to each other using OpenAI. You can always come back and change things if you need to.

Managing Your AI Actions

When you’ve got a few OpenAI Zaps running, here’s how to keep them in check:

  • Hit the OpenAI app icon in My Zaps to see all your AI tasks.
  • Here, you can look at everything AI is doing for you.
  • Get rid of any tasks you don’t need anymore to keep things tidy and save on usage.
  • If there are AI tasks you’re not using at the moment, you can pause them.
  • Keep an eye on how much you’re using each AI feature.

Keeping track of your AI usage helps make sure you don’t use more than you planned. Turn off or delete tasks that are too expensive or not being used.

This OpenAI area in Zapier keeps all your AI-related stuff organized and easy to find.

Overcoming Common Challenges

Troubleshooting Usage Limits and Errors

When you start using Zapier and OpenAI, you might hit some limits or see error messages. Here's how to fix these issues:

  • Check your usage: Look at how much you're using OpenAI by checking your dashboard. If you're hitting the free limits, consider upgrading your plan.
  • Handle errors carefully: If you get an error, Zapier will let you know. Make sure to read what the error says to understand what went wrong. Common issues are logging in problems or using too much of your limit.
  • Space out your requests: You can add a 'Delay' in Zapier between your OpenAI tasks. This means not asking OpenAI to do too much at once. A short wait, like 5-10 seconds, can help.
  • Simplify your requests: If your instructions are too long or complicated, they use more power. Try making them shorter and simpler.
  • Pause Zaps you're not using: If there are Zaps you don't need right now, pause them. This helps you not go over your limit.

By making these adjustments, you can avoid hitting your limits. Keep an eye on how much you're using and upgrade your OpenAI plan if you need to.

Managing Authentication Issues

Sometimes, Zapier and OpenAI might stop talking to each other, and you'll see login errors. Here's how to fix that:

  • Reconnect the integration: Go to Zapier, disconnect OpenAI, and then connect it again with your API key. This usually fixes the problem.

  • Double check your API key: Make sure you're using the right API key from OpenAI when you reconnect.

  • Reset your API key: If you're still having trouble, get a new API key from OpenAI and update it in Zapier. This gives you a fresh start.

  • Check account permissions: Make sure your OpenAI account can use the AI models you want in Zapier.

  • Contact support: If you're still stuck, it's okay to ask for help from Zapier and OpenAI's support teams.

If you run into trouble with Zapier and OpenAI, reconnecting your accounts and checking your API key usually helps. If you keep having problems, make sure you have the right permissions and don't hesitate to ask for help.

Taking Your Business to the Next Level

Benefits Summary for Non-Technical Users

  • Easily handle tasks like sending out emails, making pictures, and looking at data without repeating the same steps
  • Make different apps work together smoothly without needing to know how to code
  • Use smart tools to get more done in less time
  • Quick to set up using Zapier's simple, no-coding-needed platform
  • Do more tasks on your own, without extra help

Streamlining Workflows Across Business Functions

Zapier and OpenAI can make important tasks easier for small businesses in areas like:


  • Quickly make pictures for ads with DALL-E
  • Use GPT-3 to come up with ideas for blog posts
  • Understand what customers are saying by summarizing their feedback


  • Automatically write back to people interested in buying with GPT-3
  • Figure out which potential customers to talk to first based on their actions
  • Make personalized sales messages for each potential buyer


  • Use a smart chatbot to answer common questions
  • Highlight urgent issues by summarizing support tickets
  • Make your help content available in many languages

Project Management

  • Turn meeting notes into a list of tasks automatically
  • Decide which tasks are most important based on deadlines and priority
  • Write up useful project info like FAQs and how-tos

Using AI to take care of these repeat tasks lets everyone focus on more important work.

Scaling Your Impact with AI

By linking apps with Zapier and creating content with OpenAI, you can manage more tasks by yourself.

A few examples:

  • 10X more ad variations - Make 100+ images instead of 10 by hand
  • 5X more content - Write 5 blog drafts a week instead of just 1
  • 2X more leads engaged - Reply to every inquiry right away instead of missing some

This adds up over time to help your business grow a lot. Even if you're not a tech expert, you can start by automating the tasks that take up too much of your time. As you get better, you can do even more without needing a big team.

With the right setup, small teams can do big things - handling work that used to need many more people.

Additional Resources

Zapier has a bunch of easy-to-follow guides and articles that help you use OpenAI tools better. Here's what you can find:

These resources are great for both beginners and those who want to dive deeper into using OpenAI with Zapier.

Zapier's Early Access program lets you try out new features before everyone else. This includes getting to use new OpenAI tools as soon as they come out.

Why join?

  • Get to use new AI automation tools first.
  • Share your thoughts on new features.
  • Talk directly with the Zapier team.
  • Meet others who love automating tasks.

It's easy to sign up, and you get to use the latest automation tools powered by OpenAI through Zapier even before they're released to the public.

What can Zapier do with OpenAI?

Zapier lets you link your apps together to cut down on repetitive work. With Zapier working alongside OpenAI, you can do things like:

  • Check if a piece of writing is positive or negative
  • Change text from one language to another
  • Make pictures from descriptions
  • Make a long story short
  • Turn spoken words into written text

Who can use Zapier?

Anyone running a business who wants to make their work easier by automating tasks can use Zapier. It's made to be simple for people who don't know how to code.

Is Zapier user friendly?

Yes, Zapier is made to be easy to use for everyone, even if you're not a tech expert. But, like anything new, it might take a little time to learn how to make the most of it.

Can I use Zapier for free?

Yes, there's a free version of Zapier that lets you automate tasks up to 100 times a month. With the free plan, you can:

  • Connect two apps with Zaps
  • Use basic Interfaces
  • Use basic Tables

If you need to do more, there are paid plans available.

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