Boost Your business social media post ideas Skills with These Top Tips

July 20, 2024

Nitin is the CEO of with 20+ years of experience in the field of marketing and advertising. Previously, he was a partner at McKinsey & Co and MD at Accenture, where he has led 20+ marketing transformations.

Want to improve your social media posts for business? Here are 10 key tips:

  1. Be active and consistent
  2. Post at optimal times
  3. Create engaging videos
  4. Use carousel posts
  5. Add clear calls-to-action
  6. Show brand personality
  7. Repurpose existing content
  8. Run giveaways/contests
  9. Share user-generated content
  10. Post behind-the-scenes content
Tip Benefit
Post consistently Grow audience faster
Optimal timing Increase engagement
Video content Grab attention
Carousel posts Share more info
Clear CTAs Drive desired actions
Show personality Build connections
Repurpose content Save time, reach more people
Contests/giveaways Gain followers
User content Build trust
Behind-the-scenes Let people know you

These strategies can help boost engagement, followers, and brand awareness on social media. Focus on creating valuable, authentic content your audience will want to interact with.

Types of Content for Social Media Posts

To keep your audience interested, it's good to use different types of posts. Here are some you can try:

Text-Based Posts

These are simple posts with just words. You can use them to:

  • Share news
  • Talk to your followers
  • Ask questions
  • Give tips
  • Tell people about what you sell

Image Posts

Pictures can grab people's attention. Use them to:

  • Show off your products
  • Share info with pictures (infographics)
  • Post quotes
  • Give a look at your company's culture

Video Content

Videos are becoming very popular. You can make:

  • Short, quick videos
  • Longer, detailed videos
  • How-to guides
  • Product demos
  • Company news updates


These are pictures that explain things. They're good for:

  • Showing numbers and facts
  • Explaining how something works
  • Giving tips in a visual way

User-Generated Content

This is content your customers make. To get it:

  • Run contests
  • Ask for feedback
  • Share what customers post about you

These let you share many pictures in one post. Use them to:

  • Show different products
  • Tell a story with pictures
  • Explain something step-by-step

Live Streaming

This lets you talk to people in real-time. You can use it for:

  • Showing events as they happen
  • Launching new products
  • Giving a behind-the-scenes look at your company
Type of Post What It Is What It's Good For
Text-Based Words only Updates, questions, tips
Image Pictures Showing products, sharing info
Video Moving pictures Demos, tutorials, news
Infographic Info in picture form Explaining complex ideas
User-Generated Content from customers Building trust
Carousel Multiple images in one post Showcasing products, storytelling
Live Stream Real-time video Events, product launches

Using Platform-Specific Features

Each social media platform has its own special tools. Using these tools can help your business do better online. Here's how to use some of these tools on different platforms:

Instagram Features

Instagram is all about pictures and videos. It's great for showing off products or services. Here are some Instagram tools you can use:

Feature What It Is How to Use It
Stories Short posts that disappear after 24 hours Show behind-the-scenes, give sneak peeks, offer deals
Reels Short videos Show your products or services in action
IGTV Longer videos Share product demos, how-to guides, company news

Remember, you don't need fancy equipment to make good Instagram posts. A well-taken phone picture can work well. Try posting:

  • Product pictures
  • Photos with people's faces
  • Quotes

Facebook Features

Facebook is good for sharing different types of content. Here are some Facebook tools to try:

Feature What It Is How to Use It
Facebook Live Real-time video Show product launches, company events, answer questions
Facebook Groups Online communities Build a group for your customers to talk and share

Twitter Features

Twitter is fast-paced and good for quick updates. Here are some Twitter tools to use:

Feature What It Is How to Use It
Twitter Chats Conversations using hashtags Talk with your audience and other experts
Twitter Polls Questions with multiple-choice answers Ask your followers questions and get their opinions

Using these tools can help you connect better with people on each platform. Try them out and see what works best for your business.

When and How Often to Post

Posting at the right time and frequency can help your social media posts do better. Here's what you need to know:

Best Times to Post

Different platforms have different good times to post:

Platform Best Time to Post
Instagram 12 pm - 5 pm EST (lunch and after work)
Facebook 12 pm - 3 pm EST (lunch time)
Twitter 12 pm - 3 pm EST (lunch time)

How Often to Post

Don't post too much or too little. Here's a good plan:

Platform How Often to Post
Instagram 3-5 times a week
Facebook 2-3 times a week
Twitter 5-10 times a day

Using Tools to Help

Tools can help you plan your posts ahead of time. Some good ones are Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social. These tools let you:

  • Plan posts for later
  • Make a content calendar
  • See how your posts are doing
  • Post to many platforms at once

Using these tips can help your posts reach more people and do better on social media.

Writing Good Captions

Good captions can make your social media posts stand out and get people interested. Here are some tips to help you write better captions:

Start Strong

Begin with something that grabs attention. You could:

  • Ask a question
  • Make a bold statement
  • Say something that makes people curious

This will make people want to read more and interact with your post.

Use Emojis Wisely

Emojis can add feeling to your captions, but don't use too many. They can make your post look less serious if overused. Use them to:

  • Highlight key points
  • Add a bit of fun

Use Hashtags

Hashtags help more people see your post. Here's how to use them:

  • Look for hashtags that fit your post
  • Don't use too many - it can look messy
  • Put them at the end of your caption

Ask People to Do Something

Tell people what to do next. This is called a call-to-action (CTA). You could ask them to:

  • Like your post
  • Share it
  • Visit your website

Keep It Short

Make your captions easy to read:

  • Use simple words
  • Write short paragraphs
  • Use bullet points for lists
Tip What to Do What to Avoid
Start Strong Begin with a question or interesting fact Don't start with boring details
Use Emojis Add 1-2 relevant emojis Don't fill your caption with emojis
Hashtags Use 2-3 relevant hashtags Don't use more than 5 hashtags
Call-to-Action Ask people to like, share, or comment Don't forget to include a CTA
Keep It Short Use simple words and short sentences Don't write long paragraphs

Keeping up with trends can help your social media posts do better. By using popular topics, hashtags, and challenges, you can:

  • Get more people to see your posts
  • Reach new people
  • Make your brand more known online

Taking part in trending hashtags and challenges can help you make posts that people want to see. It lets you show off your brand's personality and creativity. For example:

Brand Type Example Challenge
Fashion brand #OOTD (Outfit of the Day)
Food brand #TacoTuesday
Fitness brand #FitnessFriday

Making Posts About Current Events and Holidays

Posting about what's happening now and on holidays can help your brand stay relevant. It shows you know what's going on in the world. For instance:

Event Type Post Idea
National Pizza Day Share your favorite pizza recipe
Earth Day Show how your company helps the environment
Local sports event Cheer for the local team

You can use popular types of posts like memes, GIFs, and videos for your brand. This can make your posts more fun and easy to share. For example:

Content Type Brand Example
Meme Tech brand making a joke about new gadgets
GIF Coffee shop showing a funny coffee-drinking moment
Short video Gym showing a quick workout tip

Remember, when using trends:

  • Stay true to your brand's voice
  • Don't force trends if they don't fit your brand
  • Focus on making posts that your followers will like and find useful
Do Don't
Use trends that fit your brand Use trends just because they're popular
Make posts about current events carefully Post about sensitive topics without thinking
Use popular post types in a way that fits your brand Copy others without adding your own style

Showing Your Brand's Personality

Making your brand stand out on social media is key to getting more followers. By being real and friendly, you can connect better with people. Here's how to show your brand's personality:

Share Behind-the-Scenes Content

Let people see what happens in your company every day. You can:

  • Post photos or videos of your team
  • Show company events
  • Give a sneak peek of new products

For example:

  • A clothing brand could show a video of a photo shoot
  • A food brand could share how to make a recipe

Employee Spotlights

Show off your team members. This makes your brand more human and relatable. You can:

  • Do interviews
  • Make videos
  • Post about them on social media

Company Culture Posts

Tell people about your company's values and goals. You can share:

  • Photos of company events
  • Team-building activities
  • Quotes that match your brand's ideas

Using Humor and Memes

Funny posts can help show your brand's personality. But be careful:

  • Make sure the jokes fit your brand's style
  • Don't use memes that might upset people
Do Don't
Use humor that fits your brand Make jokes that could offend
Share real moments from your company Post fake or staged content
Show your team's personalities Overshare personal information
Use memes that your audience will get Use outdated or confusing memes

Getting Your Audience Involved

Here are some ways to get people to join in on your social media:

Ask Good Questions

Ask questions that make people want to answer. This can start talks and get more people to join in. For example:

  • "What do you like best about our new product?"
  • "How do you use our service every day?"

Run Contests

Contests can get more people to join in and follow you. Try these:

  • Photo contests where people share pictures with your product
  • Contests where people write funny captions
  • Contests where people tag their friends to win

Make sure you follow the rules for contests on each social media site.

Do Live Q&A Sessions

Live sessions let you talk to people right away. You can:

  • Answer questions about what you sell
  • Show people what happens behind the scenes
  • Introduce new team members

Share What Customers Make

Ask your customers to make things about your brand. This gives you real content and makes customers feel good. You can:

  • Share customer photos or videos again
  • Show what customers say about you
  • Make a special hashtag for customers to use

Answer Comments and Messages Quickly

Answering fast shows you care about what people say. Make sure to:

  • Answer questions fast and correctly
  • Say thanks for good feedback
  • Deal with problems in a good way
What to Do Why It's Good
Ask questions Gets people talking
Run contests More people join in and follow you
Do live Q&A Talk to people right away
Share customer content Makes customers feel good
Answer fast Shows you care

Reusing and Sharing Content Across Platforms

Using your content on different social media sites can help more people see it. Here's how to do this:

Turn Blog Posts into Social Media Content

You can break up your blog posts into smaller pieces for social media:

Platform What to Share
Twitter A quote from your blog post
Facebook A short summary of your blog post
LinkedIn A longer summary as an article

Make Many Posts from One Piece of Content

If you have a video, you can:

  • Share short clips on social media
  • Write a blog post about the video
  • Post behind-the-scenes photos on Instagram

Share Content on Different Platforms

You can use your content in many places:

Content Type Where to Share
Social media posts On your blog
Blog posts On your social media
User-made content Across all your platforms

This helps you get more from your content without making new things all the time.

Checking and Improving Post Performance

To make sure your social media posts do well, you need to look at important numbers and use tools to help you plan your content. Here's how:

Tracking Key Numbers

Each social media site has its own important numbers to watch. Here are some to focus on:

Platform Important Numbers
Facebook How many people interact, how many see it, how many click, how many buy
Twitter How many people interact, how many see it, how many click, how many buy
Instagram How many people interact, how many see it, how many click, how many buy
LinkedIn How many people interact, how many see it, how many click, how many buy

Using Tools to Help

Tools can help you track these numbers and understand how your posts are doing. Here are some good tools for each site:

Platform Helpful Tools
Facebook Facebook Insights, Google Analytics
Twitter Twitter Analytics, Google Analytics
Instagram Instagram Insights, Google Analytics
LinkedIn LinkedIn Analytics, Google Analytics

Testing Different Posts

Testing different types of posts can help you see what works best. Here's how to do it:

  • Change one thing at a time, like the title or picture
  • Test with enough posts to get good results
  • Look at the numbers that matter most to you, like how many people interact or buy
  • Use what you learn to make better posts in the future

1. Be Active and Consistent

Engagement Potential

Posting often and at set times helps grow your audience quickly. How much you post depends on the platform:

Platform Post Length Frequency
LinkedIn Longer Less often
Instagram Shorter More often
Facebook Shorter More often
TikTok Shorter More often

Try to post 1-3 times a day.

Ease of Implementation

Posting regularly builds your brand and connects you with followers. Focus on:

  • Posting often
  • Making good posts
  • Keeping a similar style
  • Sharing things your audience cares about

Finding the right mix can be hard, but it helps gain trust and loyal followers.

Audience Appeal

Having many followers is good, but it's better if they interact with you. When people engage with your business, they get to know, like, and trust you more. This can lead to sales.

Follower Type Value
Few, but engaging High
Many, but silent Low

A small group of active followers is worth more than a large group of quiet ones.


2. Post at the Right Time

Engagement Potential

Posting when your followers are online can help more people see and interact with your posts. Different social media sites have different best times to post:

Platform Best Times to Post
Facebook 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays
Instagram 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. on weekdays
Twitter 8 a.m. - 10 a.m. on Mondays and Thursdays

Ease of Implementation

You can use tools to help you post at the right times:

  • Social media scheduling tools
  • Built-in analytics on each platform

These tools can show you when your followers are most active. You can also try posting at different times to see what works best for you.

Audience Appeal

Posting at the right time can:

  • Make more people see your posts
  • Get more likes, comments, and shares
  • Help you build a loyal group of followers
  • Make more people know about your brand

When you post when your followers are online, you can talk to them more and start good conversations.

Benefits of Posting at the Right Time
More people see your posts
More likes, comments, and shares
Better connections with followers
More people learn about your brand

3. Create Engaging Videos

Engagement Potential

Making good videos can help your social media posts do better. A study found that 66% of marketers think short videos are the best type of social media content. Videos can:

  • Grab people's attention
  • Share your message
  • Get people to interact with your posts

Ease of Implementation

You don't need to be a pro to make good videos. You can use tools like:

Tool What it does
Animoto Combine video clips, photos, and text
Quik Edit videos quickly
Legend Add text to videos

These tools let you:

  • Put together video clips, stock videos, and photos
  • Add text to your videos
  • Include music and animations

Audience Appeal

Good videos can help you:

  • Build a group of loyal followers
  • Make more people know about your brand

By making videos that teach, inform, or entertain, you can connect better with your audience. Videos also show your brand's personality, which helps people relate to you more easily.

Benefits of Engaging Videos
Connect with audience
Show brand personality
Teach or entertain viewers
Increase brand awareness

Carousel posts let you share many pictures or videos in one post. They work well for showing products, sharing news, and telling people about events.

How Well They Work

Carousel posts often get more likes and comments than single picture posts. They let you share up to 10 pictures or videos at once, which makes them fun to look at. When people spend more time looking at your post, social media sites might show your posts to more people.

How to Make Them

Making a carousel post is easy:

  1. Pick up to 10 pictures or videos
  2. Put them in the order you want
  3. Change each picture if you need to (like adding filters or cropping)

Why People Like Them

Carousel posts are good for:

  • Teaching people about your product
  • Showing how to do something step-by-step
  • Sharing news about your business area

This helps people see you as someone who knows a lot about your business.

What You Can Do How It Helps
Show products People can see many items at once
Share news Keep followers up to date
Give tips Help your followers learn something
Tell a story Keep people interested in your brand

5. Add Calls to Action

Calls to action (CTAs) are important in social media posts. They tell people what to do next, like "Like and share this post" or "Visit our website to learn more."

How Well They Work

CTAs can make more people interact with your posts. They can:

  • Get more likes, comments, and shares
  • Send more people to your website
  • Help more people know about your brand

How to Use Them

It's easy to add CTAs to your posts. You can put them:

  • At the end of your post
  • In the middle
  • At the beginning

Make sure your CTA is clear and short. People should know exactly what you want them to do.

Why People Like Them

CTAs give people a chance to do something. This can make them feel more connected to your brand.

Here's how to make good CTAs:

Do This Example
Keep it short "Click here"
Use action words "Buy now"
Make it fit your post "Try our new flavor"
Create urgency "Limited time offer"
Check how it works Look at likes, shares, clicks

6. Show Your Brand's Personality

How Well It Works

Showing your brand's personality in social media posts can help more people like and interact with your content. It makes your brand easier for people to relate to. By sharing what happens behind the scenes, using funny posts, and being real, you can connect better with your followers.

How to Do It

It's not hard to show your brand's personality. You can:

  • Share photos or videos of your team working
  • Post about company events
  • Show how you make your products
  • Write funny captions for your posts

Why People Like It

When you show your brand's personality, many different people might like it. Being real and relatable can attract followers who like the same things you do. Showing behind-the-scenes content can make your followers feel special and more connected to your brand.

Here's a table of ways to show your brand's personality:

What to Do How to Do It Why It's Good
Share behind-the-scenes Post photos or videos of your team Makes followers feel special
Use humor Write funny captions Makes your brand more fun
Be real Share honest stories Builds trust with followers
Tell personal stories Share experiences related to your brand Makes your brand more human

7. Use Your Content Again

Using your content more than once is a good way to get more from what you've already made. It can save you time and help you share your ideas with more people.

How Well It Works

Using content again can help more people see and interact with your posts. For example, you can take a blog post and turn it into several social media posts. Each post can focus on one main point from the blog. This can make people more likely to share and comment on your posts.

How Easy It Is

It's not hard to use content again. If you have a plan for your content or a place where you keep all your old posts, it's even easier. You just need to pick the best parts of your old content and change them to fit social media.

What People Like About It

Using content in different ways can help you reach more people. Some people like to watch videos, while others prefer to read. By changing how you share your ideas, you can help more people understand and enjoy your content.

Here are some ways to use your content again:

Old Content New Content
Blog post Social media posts
Long article Short video
Data or numbers Picture that explains the data
Popular post Quote or main idea to share again
Customer reviews Posts that show what customers say

8. Run Giveaways and Contests

Giveaways and contests can help you get more people to interact with your social media posts and gain new followers. Here's why they work well:

How They Help

Giveaways and contests can:

  • Make people excited about your brand
  • Get people to share your content
  • Encourage people to tag their friends
  • Bring in more followers
  • Make your online presence stronger

How to Set Them Up

It's not hard to run a giveaway or contest. You can:

  • Use built-in features on social media platforms
  • Try third-party apps to help manage the process
  • Team up with other brands or influencers to reach more people

Why People Like Them

Giveaways and contests are good for:

  • Current followers who like your brand
  • New people who might start following you
  • Showing off new products or services
  • Getting feedback from your audience

Here are some ideas for giveaways and contests:

Type of Contest How It Works
Photo contest People submit photos using a specific hashtag
Caption contest Followers write captions for a photo or video
Share and win People share your post and tag friends to win
Refer a friend Followers get friends to follow you and win a prize

These types of posts can help you connect with more people and grow your social media following.

9. Use Content from Your Customers

How Well It Works

Using content from your customers (called user-generated content or UGC) can help more people interact with your social media posts. When you show off your customers or followers, it can make others want to join in. UGC can be:

  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Reviews
  • What people say about your product

For example, you could do a Q&A video on YouTube where someone from your team talks about your brand and what you sell. This can help people learn more about your company and products.

How to Do It

It's pretty easy to use UGC in your social media posts. Here's how:

  1. Ask your followers to share their experiences with your brand using a special hashtag
  2. Pick the best posts and share them on your social media pages
  3. Use tools on social media sites or other apps to help manage this

Why People Like It

People like UGC because:

  • It shows real people using your products
  • It feels more honest than regular ads
  • It can make people trust your brand more

When you show your customers, it can:

  • Help more people know about your brand
  • Make people want to buy from you
  • Help you connect better with your audience

This can make people like your brand for a long time and tell others about it.

Benefits of UGC How It Helps
Shows real experiences Makes your brand more trustworthy
Creates community Encourages others to join in
Increases brand awareness More people learn about your brand
Drives sales People see others using your products
Builds loyalty Customers feel connected to your brand

10. Show What Happens Behind the Scenes

Showing what happens behind the scenes can help people like your brand more. It lets them see how your company works and who makes things happen. This can make people trust you more and want to talk about your brand.

How It Helps Your Posts

Showing behind-the-scenes content can:

  • Make more people like, comment on, and share your posts
  • Get customers to make posts about your brand
  • Make people like your brand for a long time

How to Do It

It's easy to make behind-the-scenes content. You can:

  • Use your phone to take quick videos or photos
  • Show parts of company meetings or how you make products
  • Use Instagram Stories, Facebook Live, or TikTok to share

Who Likes It

Many people like to see behind-the-scenes content:

Who Why They Like It
Customers Learn more about your brand and products
Job seekers See what it's like to work at your company
Investors Understand how your business works

Showing what happens behind the scenes can help you connect with more people and make them feel closer to your brand.


Now you have many ideas to make your social media posts better. From making good videos to showing what happens in your company, these tips can help you talk to more people and grow your brand. Try different things to see what works best for you. Don't be scared to try new ideas and change what you do based on what your followers like.

The most important things are:

  • Post often
  • Be yourself
  • Try new ideas

If you do these things, more people will like your brand on social media.

Here's a quick look at what we talked about:

Tip What It Does
Make good videos Gets people's attention
Use carousel posts Shows more in one post
Tell people what to do next Makes people act
Show your brand's personality Makes people like you more
Use your content again Saves time and reaches more people
Run contests Gets more followers
Use customer content Makes people trust you
Show behind-the-scenes Lets people know you better

Start using these tips today and watch more people follow you on social media!


How to come up with social media ideas?

Here are some ways to get ideas for social media posts:

Method Description
Plan weekly themes Create posts for each day of the week
Ask questions Get your followers talking
Share others' content Post things from influencers in your field
Support a cause Show what your business cares about
Run a contest Give away prizes to boost engagement
Host an AMA Let followers ask you anything
Do a takeover Let someone else run your account for a day
Repost content Share, pin, or retweet things you like

How to make social media posts for a business?

Try these types of posts for your business:

Post Type What to Share
News Tell people what's new with your company
Behind-the-scenes Show how your business works
Local updates Share news about your area
Contests Get people to join in and win prizes
Customer stories Share what happy customers say
Employee spotlights Introduce your team members
Fun posts Ask questions or share jokes
Facts and numbers Show interesting data about your field
Industry news Keep followers up to date
Quotes Share inspiring words
How-to guides Teach people something useful

These ideas can help you make posts that people want to see and share.

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