Video Ad Permissions: Best Practices 2024

Learn the best practices for video ad permissions in 2024 to stay compliant and reduce legal risks. Understand legal requirements, securing permissions, documentation, organization, compliance, and emerging trends.
Written by
Nitin Mahajan
Published on
17 January 2022

To run compliant video ad campaigns in 2024 and avoid legal issues, you must:

  • Understand legal requirements around using personal data, copyrights, and trademarks
  • Obtain written consent from talent and licenses for copyrighted material before production
  • Keep detailed records of all permissions, including signed forms, contact details, and usage details
  • Use databases or software to centrally store and track permissions, renewals, and expirations
  • Review and follow advertising rules and guidelines from authorities like the FTC and industry groups
  • Stay updated on emerging trends like AI-generated content and changing privacy expectations

Key Considerations:

Aspect Description
Legal Requirements Laws around using names, images, voices, likenesses, and intellectual property
Securing Permissions Get talent release forms and license agreements before production
Documentation Maintain records of permissions, forms, contact info, and usage details
Organization Use tools to centrally manage permissions, renewals, and expirations
Compliance Follow FTC rules, industry guidelines, and avoid misleading claims
Emerging Trends AI content, new ad formats, data privacy laws, and consent requirements

As video advertising evolves, prioritize transparency, user consent, and effective permission tracking to ensure compliance and reduce legal risks.

Getting Permissions

Getting permissions is a must to avoid legal issues when running video ads. Here's what you need to know:

In the US, you need permission to use someone's:

  • Name
  • Image
  • Voice
  • Likeness

Not getting proper permissions can lead to lawsuits for things like:

  • Privacy violations
  • Defamation
  • False endorsement

You also need permission to use copyrighted material, trademarks, or other intellectual property in video ads.

Securing Permissions

To secure permissions, you'll need talent to sign a release form. This form should clearly state:

Form Details Description
What it's for The purpose of using their name/image/voice (e.g., a video ad)
Limitations Any restrictions on how it can be used
Duration How long you can use it for

It's best to get permissions in writing before filming or production.

Permission Type Description
Release Form A written agreement between you and the talent, outlining the terms of use.
License Agreement A contract granting permission to use copyrighted material or trademarks.

Documenting Permissions

Keep detailed records of all permissions, including:

  • Signed release forms
  • Contact information for talent
  • Dates and details of usage

Good documentation protects you if there are any disputes down the line.

Managing Permissions

Keeping track of permissions is key for smooth video ad campaigns. Here's how to stay organized and handle renewals:

Organizing and Tracking

  • Create a central database or spreadsheet to store all permission records, release forms, license agreements, and talent contact details.
  • Use clear file and folder names to easily find permission documents.
  • Set up a calendar to track upcoming permission renewals or expirations.

Permission Management Tools

Tools can help manage permissions efficiently:

Tool Description
Ad Manager Platform for managing video ad campaigns, including permission tracking.
Permission Management Software Tools designed specifically for managing permissions, with features like automated reminders.

Renewals and Expirations

For permission renewals or expirations:

  • Set reminders for upcoming renewals or expirations to take action on time.
  • Regularly review and update permission records to reflect changes.
  • Have a clear process for handling expired or revoked permissions to minimize campaign disruptions.

Compliance and Risk Management

Following advertising rules and guidelines is crucial to avoid legal issues and financial penalties when running video ads. Here's what you need to know:

Advertising Regulations

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulates online advertising and marketing. Their rules prohibit misleading or deceptive ads. Advertisers must:

  • Ensure ads are truthful
  • Back up claims with evidence

The FTC can issue penalties for violations of their regulations.

Additionally, industry groups like the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) have guidelines for video ads that advertisers must follow.

Risks of Unauthorized Content

Using content without proper permissions can lead to:

  • Lawsuits
  • Fines
  • Damage to brand reputation

Unauthorized use of:

  • Copyrights
  • Trademarks
  • Patents

Can result in expensive legal action.

Avoiding Risks

To comply with regulations and avoid risks:

  • Review and understand relevant rules and guidelines
  • Ensure ads are truthful and claims are backed up
  • Obtain proper permissions and licenses for all content
  • Implement a system to track and organize permissions
  • Regularly review and update permission records
  • Have a process for handling expired or revoked permissions
Compliance Measure Description
Review Rules Understand advertising regulations and industry guidelines
Truthful Ads Ensure ads are truthful and claims are substantiated
Obtain Permissions Get proper licenses and permissions for all content used
Track Permissions Use a system to organize and manage permissions
Update Records Regularly review and update permission details
Handle Expirations Have a process for expired or revoked permissions

Following these measures helps avoid legal issues, fines, and reputational damage when running video ad campaigns.


Changing Permission Needs

As we move into 2024, the video ad industry will face new challenges in managing permissions. The rise of AI-generated content and deepfakes will require updated rules and guidelines. Advertisers must find ways to protect intellectual property rights and ensure proper permissions.

New ad formats like shoppable ads and augmented reality experiences will also demand better permission tracking. Advertisers must prioritize transparency and user consent to build trust.

Impact of New Tech

AI tools will help advertisers track permissions more efficiently, reducing risks. However, AI-generated content raises questions about ownership and permissions.

Deepfakes, in particular, will be difficult to identify. Advertisers need strategies to ensure they have the right permissions for using deepfake content without infringing on rights.

Deepfake Challenges Description
Identifying Real vs. Fake Distinguishing between real and AI-generated content
Ownership Rights Determining who owns the rights to deepfake content
Permission Requirements Establishing clear guidelines for using deepfakes legally

Emerging Ad Formats

Interactive ad formats like shoppable videos and AR experiences blur the line between ads and content. Advertisers must:

  • Ensure user transparency about data usage
  • Obtain explicit consent for data collection
  • Develop new permission frameworks for these formats
New Format Considerations Description
User Transparency Clearly explaining how user data is collected and used
Consent Requirements Obtaining explicit permission from users for data usage
Permission Frameworks Creating guidelines for managing permissions in new ad types

As video advertising evolves, staying compliant with permissions will require adapting to new technologies and consumer expectations around privacy and consent.


As we wrap up our discussion on video ad permissions for 2024, it's crucial to stay updated on the latest requirements. The video ad industry keeps evolving, with new technologies, formats, and consumer expectations shaping its future.

To remain compliant and reduce risks, advertisers must prioritize:

  • Transparency: Clearly explain how user data is collected and used.
  • User Consent: Obtain explicit permission from users for data usage.
  • Permission Tracking: Implement systems to organize and manage permissions efficiently.

Understanding legal requirements, securing necessary permissions, and maintaining accurate documentation is essential. Effective permission management tools and strategies can streamline the process and prevent unauthorized content usage.

Moving forward, stay informed about emerging trends, technologies, and regulations. Consult legal professionals for specific advice, and always prioritize user trust and consent. Following these best practices will ensure a smooth and compliant video advertising experience.

Key Considerations

Aspect Description
Legal Requirements Understand laws and regulations around using personal data, copyrights, and trademarks in video ads.
Securing Permissions Obtain written consent from talent and licenses for copyrighted material before production.
Documentation Keep detailed records of all permissions, including signed forms, contact information, and usage details.
Organization Use databases or software to centrally store and track permissions, renewals, and expirations.
Compliance Review and follow advertising rules and guidelines from authorities like the FTC and industry groups.
Emerging Trends Stay updated on new ad formats, AI-generated content, and changing consumer expectations around privacy and consent.

Permission Management Tools Comparison


When choosing a permission management tool, consider these key features:

  • Permission tracking: Store and track permissions, renewals, and expirations in one place.
  • Automated workflows: Streamlined processes for obtaining and managing permissions, with automated reminders.
  • Collaboration tools: Allow multiple team members to collaborate on permission management, with commenting and task assignment.
  • Customizable templates: Pre-built templates for common permission requests, like talent releases or location permits.
  • Integration: Seamless integration with existing marketing and content management systems.


Permission management tool costs can vary based on features and scale:

Pricing Model Description
Subscription Monthly or annual fees based on users or permissions managed
Pay-per-use Fees based on the number of permission requests processed
Custom Tailored pricing for large enterprises or complex needs


Effective tools should integrate with other systems, including:

  • Content Management Systems (CMS): Streamline permission management for digital content.
  • Marketing Automation Platforms: Automate permission workflows and notifications.
  • Project Management Tools: Enable collaboration and task assignment.

User Experience

Look for tools with:

  • Intuitive interfaces: Easy-to-use for managing permissions.
  • Customizable dashboards: Personalized dashboards for tracking permissions.
  • Mobile accessibility: Manage permissions on-the-go.


As businesses grow, consider tools that offer:

  • Scalable architecture: Cloud-based infrastructure to handle large volumes of permission requests and data.
  • Flexible pricing plans: Pricing that adapts to changing needs.
  • Customizable workflows: Workflows tailored to unique business requirements.


What are the FTC requirements for advertisements?


The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires that claims made in advertisements must be truthful and not misleading. Advertisers cannot make deceptive or unfair statements. They must also have evidence to back up any claims made in their ads. For certain products or services, additional rules may apply.

What is OBA compliance?

OBA stands for Online Behavioral Advertising. As per your contract with Google Marketing Platform, your ads must comply with OBA guidelines. In the European Economic Area (EEA), ads must display required transparency information and include a way for users to report illegal content.

Requirement Description
Truthful Claims Ads cannot make false or misleading statements.
Evidence-Based Claims in ads must be supported by factual evidence.
Additional Rules Some products/services may have extra rules to follow.
Transparency In the EEA, ads must show required regulatory information.
Reporting Mechanism EEA ads must allow users to report illegal content.

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